A boss connects with the real Boss

Bhaktivedanta Manor

After I recently commenced a new job, my boss showed me his book collection, and one of his books was the BBT’s Veda. He couldn’t recall how or when he got hold of the book. I then showed him our Manor promotional video, which he in turn sent to the chairman of our company (the former vice president of Samsung), who then asked to visit the Manor.

We arranged a visit during office hours on a Monday, and we spent three hours on the temple grounds discussing Srila Prabhupada and his mission. They were all really impressed. My boss has assured me he will now read the Veda.

In addition, after being inspired by one of your stories regarding bulk book distribution during recent classes you gave at the Manor and Soho Street Temple, I gave our chairman copies of the Bhagavad-gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, First Canto, Your Ever Well-Wisher, Higher Taste, and Chant & Be Happy. Gauri Prabhu also presented him with a copy of The Journey Home, by Radhanath Swami. He is open and receptive to reading all the books in due course.

Further, my boss has emailed the Manor promotional video to all the staff in our company, and he has also informed me that he has sent it to many of his business contacts and friends, encouraging them all to visit the Manor.

Author: admin

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