Experiences in Book Distribution

Experiences of Book Distribution

I belong to counselee group of H.G Dwarkadish Prabhu. As many of his counselees were busy with drama practice, there wasn’t much book distribution efforts possible. However Dwarkadish Prabhu intelligently arranged an unique book distribution event. Yesterday was our counselee meeting day , we were been told by our counselor to form groups in advance.

The usuaual counselee meeting was going to be different today. All were supposed to reach by 6 pm to the venue and carry books with them and in their formed groups , visit different places to distribute books and come back by 9 pm to give their scores and take Prasad. It was wonderful unique counselee meeting that day as all devotees while honoring Prasad were told to share their book distribution experience. In all there were 6 groups and few individual book distributors. The total score was 58 and one Srimad Bhagavatam  set. One of our devotee called up his acquaintance and even secured an order for 1000 Gitas. That made the score 1058 Books.

Krishnakshetra Prabhu , Miraroad.

Author: admin

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