World Sankirtan Newsletter for October 2013

Hare Krsna,

Please accept my humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Krsna descended to the transcendental land of Vrndavana to engage in His pleasure pastimes and please His devotees. I’m sure He is pleased to see that five thousand years later, Vrndavana is the No. 1 temple in the world in book distribution in October, with 26,149 book points, a 72% increase.

In the medium catagory, Denver had the highest increase, 166%, with 5,222 book points. A devotee from the RVC, Madhukari Prabhu, is working with Denver’s new devotees, and it appears he’s successful. Srila Prabhupada wanted experienced distributors to train devotees to distribute books. I hope that we see more of this.

In the small category, Santiago had a great month with 4,353 book points, an increase of 344%. We haven’t seen high scores like this from Chili for a while. Let’s pray that they can keep it up for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada.

Good news about the van for Chittagong: A devotee just donated $2,500! That brings the total to $19,400. Now we need only $10,600.

Your servant,

Vijaya Dasa

 For complete results
          go to (password: wsnhome)
            Deadline for scores is the 15th of the next month

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           W O R L D    S A N K I R T A N    N E W S L E T T E R
                                October 2013            11/25/2013

              For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this page
       contains the following results for the month of October 2013.

            World Totals                                 Page 2
            Monthly Congregation and Weekend Warriors    Page 2
            Monthly Continents                           Page 3
            Monthly Top Ten Temples by Size              Page 3
            Monthly Top Ten Temples by Continent         Page 4
            Monthly Top Teams and Individuals            Page 5
            Monthly All Countries                        Page 6
            Monthly All Temples                          Page 7
            Monthly All Prabhupada Disciples             Page 8
            Cumulative Top Ten Countries                 Page 9
            Cumulative Top Ten Temples                   Page 9
            Cumulative Top 50 Individuals Worldwide      Page 9

     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
     *              -- OFFERING TO SRILA PRABHUPADA --               *
     *                                                               *
     *    During the month of October 2013, 120 temples reported     *
     *    distributing the following number of books:                *
     *                                                               *
     *                    68,038 Maha-big books                      *
     *                    49,446 Big books                           *
     *                    42,573 Medium books                        *
     *                   221,113 Small books                         *
     *                    46,972 Magazines                           *
     *                     1,660 BTG subscriptions                   *
     *                       798 Full sets                           *
     *                                                               *
     *                   438,102 literatures for the month           *
     *                 4,530,241 literatures year-to-date            *
     *               499,852,972 literatures worldwide since 1965    *
     *                                                               *
     *                All glories to Srila Prabhupada!               *
     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

                         WORLDWIDE BOOK DISTRIBUTION
                        Total Literatures Distributed
 Books (Millions)
  X X       x
  X X       X
  X X     x X X X             x X X _ x
  X X X   x X X X X         x X X X X X X                             x X
  X X X X X X X X X X     X X X X X X X X X                   x x X X X X
  X X X X X X X X X X     X X X X X X X X X X _       x X X X X X X X X X X
  X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

   78  80  82  84  86  88  90  92  94  96  98  00  02  04  06  08  10  12 13

                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                          CONGREGATIONAL PREACHING
                                October 2013

    Congregation and                   %   M-Big   Big  Medium  Small  BTGs
    Weekend Warriors         Points Change Books  Books  Books  Books  Mags

  1 WW Team ISV Week San USA15581.40*+224%  7711*    78     12    300     4
  2 WW Weekend Warri Pun Ind  441.15  -66%   141     43     18    307   241
  3 WW Toronto WW    Tor Can  377.70  -56%    95     14    118    454    12
  4 WW Dallas        Dal USA  345.25  +50%    29    124    189*   275     0
  5 WW Los Angeles   LA  USA   98.00  -13%    11     31      7    166     0
  6 Prison Ministry  Dal USA   71.50  -27%     8     18     50     50     0
  7 London Sastra Da Lon Eng   44.00  -68%    22      0      0      0     0
  8 WW Weekend Warri Ryb Rus   34.25* +57%     7*    15      0     21     0
  9 WW Nairobi WW    Nai Ken   14.00  -40%     0      4      0     40     0
 10 WW Vologda WW    Vol Rus   14.00* +78%     0      0     24      8*    0
 11 WW Arkadelphia W Ark USA    9.00  -12%     3      0      5      2     0
 12 WW Texarkana WW  Tex USA    6.25  -72%     2      0      0      9     0
                                    (%)Change compared        (*)New record
                                    to monthly average        for this year

                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                             MONTHLY CONTINENTS
                                October 2013

                                % of  M-Big   Big  Medium  Small  BTGs Full
  Continent (temples)   Points  World Books  Books  Books  Books  Mags Sets

1 Asia (14)           113131.40  42%  25020  23891   9000 113650 42809  766
2 North America (25)   62707.65  23%  23547   5954   7075  21261  7849   28
3 CIS (23)             53430.00  20%  12968  11074  17561  30456   255    0
4 Latin America (27)   20707.05   8%   1089   3063   4210  47425  3648    0
5 Europe (18)          14430.20   5%   4001   3742   3697   2566  1962    1
6 Australasia (3)       3406.55   1%    644   1419    536   1573   383    3
7 Africa (10)           3136.10   1%    769    303    494   4182    26    0

                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                          TOP TEN TEMPLES BY SIZE
                                October 2013

                                       %   M-Big   Big  Medium  Small  BTGs
                             Points Change Books  Books  Books  Books  Mags

      TOP TEN LARGE TEMPLES (41+ devotees)

  1 Vrindavan          Ind 26149.25* +72%   2830   5726      0  59053*    0
  2 New Delhi          Ind 19305.15  -46%   4391   1054   3270  25369 14919
  3 Mayapur            Ind 16832.95  -53%      0  13889*  2361   4459  6487
  4 Moscow             Rus 14077.00   -2%   5741   1019   2143   2018     0
  5 Los Angeles        USA 13301.00  +26%   4989   1678   1145   3810  1200
  6 Mumbai-Juhu        Ind 13140.75  -42%   4814    579   1574   8587     0
  7 Tirupati           Ind  8667.75  -46%   3167    453    531   3777  4373
  8 Pune               Ind  4220.90  -63%   1674    254    112   2130   241
  9 Mumbai-Chowpatty   Ind  2376.20  -77%    715     71    272   1524  3316*
 10 Bhaktivedanta Mano Eng  2141.50  -17%    418    394*  1580    486     0

      TOP TEN MEDIUM TEMPLES (21-40 devotees)

  1 New Delhi(Punj.Bag Ind  5789.00  -47%   1410    639    120   4240  8224*
  2 Vladivostok        Rus  5426.25   na    1157   1532   1789   2743     0
  3 Salem              Ind  5409.70  +35%   2294    133      0    838  1695
  4 Denver             USA  5222.80*+166%   2163*   247    550*  1482    43
  5 Simhacalam (NJNK)  Ger  4119.50  -17%   1864    264    255      0     0
  6 Ahmedabad          Ind  3318.00   -8%   1454      0    171    794   310
  7 Washington D.C.    USA  3130.25  +64%    709     21     43   5685  2485
  8 Mexico City        Mex  2247.00  +14%     36    267     98   7436     0
  9 Baroda             Ind  1830.00   +6%    480*     0    320    280  1650*
 10 Rostov-na-Donu     Rus  1727.00   na     312    543    654    932     0

      TOP TEN SMALL TEMPLES (6-20 devotees)

  1 Silicon Valley(ISV USA 15581.40*+243%   7711*    78     12    300     4
  2 Krasnodar          Rus 12210.75  +77%   1663   3565   6669   7941*    0
  3 RupanugaVedicColle USA  8346.95   +1%   3405    946    483    719  1697
  4 Santiago           Chi  4353.25*+344%    124*   123*  2698* 10533*    0
  5 Barnaul            Rus  3969.00   na     912   1087   1239   1754     0
  6 Cueramaro          Mex  3188.25  +39%    286*   557     33   8171     0
  7 TBB TSKP           USA  2822.50  +26%    497   1145    820   1094*    0
  8 Sochi              Rus  2787.50   na     458    764    987   2456     0
  9 Kazan              Rus  2414.75  -10%    423    765    989   1237     0
 10 Chicago            USA  2250.70   +7%    911      1    399    912     2

      TOP TEN MAHA-SMALL TEMPLES (1-5 devotees)

  1 Brahmapur          Ind  2206.50  +58%    517    776    168   1210*  100
  2 Curitiba           Bra  1908.50 +108%    234*  1021    620*   438     0
  3 Prabhupada Bhavan- Cze  1730.50*+179%    103*  1494*    36*    50     0
  4 Cochabamba         Bol  1122.25   na      40     12     53   4015     0
  5 Monterrey          Mex   997.00  +34%     86*   200     50   2400     0
  6 Sofia              Bul   608.25  -15%     87    281    117    379     0
  7 Montevideo         Uru   418.00    0%      1      0      0   1664     0
  8 Heidelberg         Ger   309.50  -49%     53     11    385      0     0
  9 Gurabo (PR)        Pue   291.25   -7%     20    175*    50    205*    0
 10 New Vrajadham-Braz Bra   280.75  -62%      5    129    168    231     0

                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                        TOP TEN TEMPLES BY CONTINENT
                                October 2013

                                      %    M-Big   Big  Medium  Small  BTGs
                             Points Change Books  Books  Books  Books  Mags


  1 Vrindavan          Ind 26149.25  +91%   2830   5726      0  59053     0
  2 New Delhi          Ind 19305.15  -40%   4391   1054   3270  25369 14919
  3 Mayapur            Ind 16832.95  -47%      0  13889   2361   4459  6487
  4 Mumbai-Juhu        Ind 13140.75  -35%   4814    579   1574   8587     0
  5 Tirupati           Ind  8667.75  -40%   3167    453    531   3777  4373
  6 New Delhi(Punj.Bag Ind  5789.00  -42%   1410    639    120   4240  8224
  7 Salem              Ind  5409.70  +49%   2294    133      0    838  1695
  8 Pune               Ind  4220.90  -59%   1674    254    112   2130   241
  9 Ahmedabad          Ind  3318.00   +2%   1454      0    171    794   310
 10 Mumbai-Chowpatty   Ind  2376.20  -75%    715     71    272   1524  3316


  1 Silicon Valley(ISV USA 15581.40 +286%   7711     78     12    300     4
  2 Los Angeles        USA 13301.00  +40%   4989   1678   1145   3810  1200
  3 RupanugaVedicColle USA  8346.95  +12%   3405    946    483    719  1697
  4 Denver             USA  5222.80 +196%   2163    247    550   1482    43
  5 Washington D.C.    USA  3130.25  +83%    709     21     43   5685  2485
  6 TBB TSKP           USA  2822.50  +44%    497   1145    820   1094     0
  7 Chicago            USA  2250.70  +19%    911      1    399    912     2
  8 San Diego          USA  1528.00  -44%    214    817    253    626     0
  9 Toronto            Can  1519.80  -13%    554     47    217    912    63
 10 Laguna Beach       USA  1192.50  +13%    472     16     16    654   610


  1 Moscow             Rus 14077.00   +8%   5741   1019   2143   2018     0
  2 Krasnodar          Rus 12210.75 +102%   1663   3565   6669   7941     0
  3 Vladivostok        Rus  5426.25   na    1157   1532   1789   2743     0
  4 Barnaul            Rus  3969.00   na     912   1087   1239   1754     0
  5 Sochi              Rus  2787.50   na     458    764    987   2456     0
  6 Kazan              Rus  2414.75  +20%    423    765    989   1237     0
  7 Essentuki          Rus  2189.75   na     487    517    843   1109     0
  8 Novorosiysk        Rus  2153.50   na     314    567    689   2456     0
  9 Rostov-na-Donu     Rus  1727.00   na     312    543    654    932     0
 10 Irkutsk            Rus  1611.50   na     278    328    467   1976     0


  1 Santiago           Chi  4353.25 +400%    124    123   2698  10533     0
  2 Cueramaro          Mex  3188.25  +57%    286    557     33   8171     0
  3 Mexico City        Mex  2247.00  +28%     36    267     98   7436     0
  4 Curitiba           Bra  1908.50 +131%    234   1021    620    438     0
  5 Guyana BTG Team    Guy  1500.00   na       0      0      0      0  3600
  6 Buenos Aires       Arg  1144.00  -18%     62     46      0   3896     0
  7 Cochabamba         Bol  1122.25   na      40     12     53   4015     0
  8 Monterrey          Mex   997.00  +60%     86    200     50   2400     0
  9 Guadalajara        Mex   637.00 +281%     42     67     56   1832     0
 10 Miraflores         Per   469.00 +190%      0      0      6   1864     0


  1 Simhacalam (NJNK)  Ger  4119.50   -5%   1864    264    255      0     0
  2 Bhaktivedanta Mano Eng  2141.50   -7%    418    394   1580    486     0
  3 Prabhupada Bhavan- Cze  1730.50 +210%    103   1494     36     50     0
  4 London-Soho        Eng  1237.50   -8%    492      6    227    536     0
  5 Kaunas             Lit  1215.75  +83%    532     37     44    371     0
  6 New Vrajadham-Hung Hun   894.40  +54%    201    184    364     18  1219
  7 Prague             Cze   608.60   +6%     35    397      7    446   266
  8 Sofia              Bul   608.25   -3%     87    281    117    379     0
  9 Budapest           Hun   555.20  +27%     60    268    239      0   477
 10 Heidelberg         Ger   309.50  -37%     53     11    385      0     0


  1 Auckland Br. Ashra New  1509.20   na      18   1106     38   1304   222
  2 Brisbane           Aus  1454.35  +27%    587     50    429     63     1
  3 Wellington         New   443.00  +12%     39    263     69    206   160


  1 Kisumu             Ken   877.75 +999%    435      0      7     17     0
  2 Lenasia            Sou   666.00 +269%     82     20    175   1578     0
  3 Nairobi            Ken   538.20  +20%     48    132     81   1072    17
  4 Durban             Sou   413.65   +9%     86     67     41    615     4
  5 Accra              Gha   223.75  +97%     75     14     87     65     0
  6 Lagos              Nig   136.50 +469%      8     70     59     82     5
  7 Blantyre           Mal   128.75 +143%     35      0      0    235     0
  8 Bon Accueil        Mau   121.25  -68%      0      0     40    405     0
  9 Mafikeng           Sou    16.75  +46%      0      0      3     61     0
 10 Cape Town          Sou    13.50  -68%      0      0      1     52     0

                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                           TEAM BOOK DISTRIBUTION
                                October 2013

                                       %   M-Big   Big  Medium  Small  BTGs
    Individuals              Points Change Books  Books  Books  Books  Mags

  1 Vichitra Krishna Del Ind 2060.25   na     27     30    107   7691     0
  2 Gopisvar d       Del Ind 1024.00  -76%   512      0      0      0     0
  3 Manojyoti d      Pun Ind  380.25  -69%   141     23     11    279     0
  4 Jai Narasimha d  Pun Ind  254.00  -54%   127      0      0      0     0
                                    (%)Change compared        (*)New record
                                    to monthly average        for this year

                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                             TOP 50 INDIVIDUALS
                                October 2013

                                       %   M-Big   Big  Medium  Small  BTGs
    Individuals              Points Change Books  Books  Books  Books  Mags

  1 Bhrgupati d      LA  USA 4896.00  +78%  2448      0      0      0     0
  2 Anupam Krishna d Mos Rus 3107.50  +19%  1478     61*   181      0     0
  3 Madhusundar d    Del Ind 3067.50  -71%   457    120   1446   5242     0
  4 Anirudha Swarup  Mum Ind 2780.50*+197%  1380*     1      9     60     0
  5 Paramesvara d    RVC USA 2685.20  -10%  1191      0    367      0  1197
  6 Hemagiri d       Mum Ind 2497.25  -23%   846    124    426   1873     0
  7 Tirtha Krishna d Tir Ind 2279.85  -40%   860    108    180   1291   277
  8 Nandanandana Gov Tir Ind 2224.85  -45%   846    109    196   1221   168
  9 HH Jayapataka Sw May Ind 2000.00  -52%     0   2000      0      0     0
 10 Bk Brandon       RVC USA 1803.25   -5%   822      0     49    363   440
 11 Bn Moiseenkova   Kra Rus 1781.00*+135%   472*   312*   879    342*    0
 12 Vamsi Gopal d    Mum Ind 1718.00*+104%   859*     0      0      0     0
 13 Ambarish d       Mos Rus 1668.00* +90%   834*     0      0      0     0
 14 Deva Krsna d     RVC USA 1641.50  +47%   689    229      0    138     0
 15 Madhukari d      Den USA 1581.50  -31%   755     41      0    122     0
 16 Gour Mohan d     Nrs Ger 1575.50  -17%   757     44     35      0     0
 17 Shastra-krt d    LA  USA 1552.00   +4%   696    160      0      0     0
 18 Keshava Balaram  New Ind 1544.20  -49%   300    249     96   1234  3159*
 19 Gokul Ranjan d   Mum Ind 1540.00   +9%   620    115    300    140     0
 20 Vallabha Caitany Mos Rus 1513.50  +40%   547     78    331    704*    0
 21 Damodara Sundar  New Ind 1496.55  -51%   300    249      0   1235  3160*
 22 Bk Tyler         RVC USA 1456.00* +49%   589    252      0    104     0
 23 Vijaya d         LA  USA 1452.80*+368%   673*    61     91*     0     3
 24 Jagmohan d       Bra Ind 1352.25   na    200    722    100    721     0
 25 Bn Strubalina A. Kra Rus 1344.75* +81%   298*   274*   831*   237*    0
 26 Banamali Mukunda May Ind 1300.20   +5%     0   1154*   109    166   502
 27 Bharadwaj d      May Ind 1267.65  -71%     0    983*   194*   211  1349
 28 Parama Karuna d  Chi USA 1195.00* +33%   463*     0    247*   582     0
 29 Bk Zharov M.     Kra Rus 1158.00* +66%   231*   296*   673*   254*    0
 30 Mandapa d        Bri Aus 1101.50  +88%   542      8     11     16*    0
 31 Bk Eric          LA  USA 1082.40*+113%   398*    82    216*   288   244*
 32 Sacitanoy d      LA  USA 1067.00* +44%   270*   456      0    284     0
 33 Bn Masunova O.   Kra Rus 1064.50* +75%   187    283    577*   476*    0
 34 Bhagavat Ashraya Mum Ind 1051.00  -58%    35     41    169   3422     0
 35 Godruma d        Nrs Ger 1028.00  +42%   510      8      0      0     0
 36 Bk Derick        BBT USA 1004.50 +140%   221    342    441*     0     0
 37 Abhay Caitanya d Mos Rus  986.00   +8%   493      0      0      0     0
 38 Prema Sankirtan  LA  USA  979.75   +8%   266    364      0    335     0
 39 Bk Sanjay        Ahm Ind  968.50   na    480      0      8     14    10
 40 Neel Kantha d    Del Ind  960.00  -14%     0      0      0      0  9600*
 41 Avyanga d        Mos Rus  942.75  +39%   282    105    516*    63     0
 42 Bk Kuzakov A.    Kra Rus  941.75* +86%   197*   276*   388    311*    0
 43 Bhaktika dd      Tir Ind  940.75  -39%   400     85      0    187    33
 44 Babhru d         BBT USA  929.50   -5%   115    492    110    610     0
 45 Amalasara d      Mos Rus  926.50   na    426      0     81    136     0
 46 Bk Daniel        Atl USA  895.50   -1%   185    429    193      0     0
 47 Sumukha d        Kis Ken  877.75   na    435      0      7     17     0
 48 Drumila d        New USA  827.50  +36%     0      0   1180    950     0
 49 Bk Chris         Nav Ger  803.00   -5%   372     26     66      0     0
 50 Acarya Nistha d  Chi USA  798.50*+111%   363*     0     62    166     0
                                    (%)Change compared        (*)New record
                                    to monthly average        for this year

                           World Sankirtan Newsletter
                                 ALL COUNTRIES
                                  October 2013

                                     %    M-Big   Big  Medium  Small   BTGs
   Country (Temples)        Points Change Books  Books  Books  Books   Mags

 1 India (14)            113131.40  -50%  25020  23891   9000 113650  42809
 2 United States (24)     61187.85   -2%  22993   5907   6858  20349   7786
 3 Russia, CIS (16)       50961.50 +172%  12277  10953  16786  28144    255
 4 Mexico (5)              7244.25  +53%    450   1091    237  20539      0
 5 GermanyAustria (5)      4816.50  +19%   1959    433    931      0      0
 6 Chile                   4353.25 +560%    124    123   2698  10533      0
 7 Brazil (9)              3488.80   na     326   1587   1034   2928      8
 8 United Kingdom (2)      3379.00  +16%    910    400   1807   1022      0
 9 Ukraine, CIS (7)        2468.50  -68%    691    121    775   2312      0
10 Czech Republic (2)      2339.10  -15%    138   1891     43    496    266
11 New Zealand (2)         1952.20  +26%     57   1369    107   1510    382
12 Guyana (4)              1761.50   na      60     26     55    336   3640
13 Canada                  1519.80  -53%    554     47    217    912     63
14 Australia               1454.35   +6%    587     50    429     63      1
15 Hungary (2)             1449.60   na     261    452    603     18   1696
16 Kenya (2)               1415.95 +254%    483    132     88   1089     17
17 Lithuania (2)           1302.00  +90%    549     56     80    432      0
18 Argentina               1144.00   na      62     46      0   3896      0
19 Bolivia                 1122.25   na      40     12     53   4015      0
20 South Africa (4)        1109.90 +107%    168     87    220   2306      4
21 Peru (3)                 848.25  -55%      5      0     83   3187      0
22 Bulgaria                 608.25   na      87    281    117    379      0
23 Uruguay                  418.00   na       1      0      0   1664      0
24 Puerto Rico              291.25   na      20    175     50    205      0
25 Spain                    266.00  +31%     42    163      0     76      0
26 Ghana                    223.75   na      75     14     87     65      0
27 Nigeria                  136.50   na       8     70     59     82      5
28 Malawi                   128.75  -11%     35      0      0    235      0
29 Mauritius                121.25  -90%      0      0     40    405      0
30 Bosnia                   106.50  -83%     33     33      0     30      0
31 Slovenia                  92.75  -51%      5      8     93    113      0
32 Switzerland               70.50  +52%     17     25     23      0      0
33 Honduras                  35.50   na       1      3      0    122      0
                                   (%)Change compared
                                     to Oct last year

                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                                ALL TEMPLES
                                October 2013

                                      %    M-Big   Big  Medium  Small  BTGs
    Temples (size)           Points Change Books  Books  Books  Books  Mags

  1 Vrindavan (L)      Ind 26149.25* +72%   2830   5726      0  59053*    0
  2 New Delhi (L)      Ind 19305.15  -46%   4391   1054   3270  25369 14919
  3 Mayapur (L)        Ind 16832.95  -53%      0  13889*  2361   4459  6487
  4 Silicon Valley(ISV USA 15581.40*+243%   7711*    78     12    300     4
  5 Moscow (L)         Rus 14077.00   -2%   5741   1019   2143   2018     0
  6 Los Angeles (L)    USA 13301.00  +26%   4989   1678   1145   3810  1200
  7 Mumbai-Juhu (L)    Ind 13140.75  -42%   4814    579   1574   8587     0
  8 Krasnodar (S)      Rus 12210.75  +77%   1663   3565   6669   7941*    0
  9 Tirupati (L)       Ind  8667.75  -46%   3167    453    531   3777  4373
 10 RupanugaVedicColle USA  8346.95   +1%   3405    946    483    719  1697
 11 New Delhi(Punj.Bag Ind  5789.00  -47%   1410    639    120   4240  8224*
 12 Vladivostok (M)    Rus  5426.25   na    1157   1532   1789   2743     0
 13 Salem (M)          Ind  5409.70  +35%   2294    133      0    838  1695
 14 Denver (M)         USA  5222.80*+166%   2163*   247    550*  1482    43
 15 Santiago (S)       Chi  4353.25*+344%    124*   123*  2698* 10533*    0
 16 Pune (L)           Ind  4220.90  -63%   1674    254    112   2130   241
 17 Simhacalam (NJNK)  Ger  4119.50  -17%   1864    264    255      0     0
 18 Barnaul (S)        Rus  3969.00   na     912   1087   1239   1754     0
 19 Ahmedabad (M)      Ind  3318.00   -8%   1454      0    171    794   310
 20 Cueramaro (S)      Mex  3188.25  +39%    286*   557     33   8171     0
 21 Washington D.C. (M USA  3130.25  +64%    709     21     43   5685  2485
 22 TBB TSKP (S)       USA  2822.50  +26%    497   1145    820   1094*    0
 23 Sochi (S)          Rus  2787.50   na     458    764    987   2456     0
 24 Kazan (S)          Rus  2414.75  -10%    423    765    989   1237     0
 25 Mumbai-Chowpatty ( Ind  2376.20  -77%    715     71    272   1524  3316*
 26 Chicago (S)        USA  2250.70   +7%    911      1    399    912     2
 27 Mexico City (M)    Mex  2247.00  +14%     36    267     98   7436     0
 28 Brahmapur (MS)     Ind  2206.50  +58%    517    776    168   1210*  100
 29 Essentuki (S)      Rus  2189.75   na     487    517    843   1109     0
 30 Novorosiysk (S)    Rus  2153.50   na     314    567    689   2456     0
 31 Bhaktivedanta Mano Eng  2141.50  -17%    418    394*  1580    486     0
 32 Surat (S)          Ind  2018.25  -62%    397    261     61   1241  1494
 33 Curitiba (MS)      Bra  1908.50 +108%    234*  1021    620*   438     0
 34 Bhopal (S)         Ind  1867.00  +19%    877     56     40    148     0
 35 Baroda (M)         Ind  1830.00   +6%    480*     0    320    280  1650*
 36 Prabhupada Bhavan- Cze  1730.50*+179%    103*  1494*    36*    50     0
 37 Rostov-na-Donu (M) Rus  1727.00   na     312    543    654    932     0
 38 Irkutsk (S)        Rus  1611.50   na     278    328    467   1976     0
 39 San Diego (M)      USA  1528.00  -50%    214    817    253    626     0
 40 Toronto (S)        Can  1519.80  -22%    554     47    217    912    63
 41 Auckland Br. Ashra New  1509.20   na      18   1106     38   1304   222
 42 Guyana BTG Team (S Guy  1500.00   na       0      0      0      0  3600
 43 Brisbane (S)       Aus  1454.35   +6%    587     50    429     63     1
 44 Chelyabinsk (S)    Rus  1243.75  -23%    248    151    145   1995   255
 45 London-Soho (M)    Eng  1237.50  -18%    492      6    227    536     0
 46 Kaunas (S)         Lit  1215.75  +65%    532*    37     44*   371     0
 47 Laguna Beach (S)   USA  1192.50   +1%    472     16     16    654   610
 48 Gainesville (M)    USA  1186.00 +110%    311      0    336   1584     0
 49 Kiev (L)           Ukr  1170.50  -27%    341     70    613    448     0
 50 Buenos Aires (M)   Arg  1144.00  -28%     62     46      0   3896     0
 51 Cochabamba (MS)    Bol  1122.25   na      40     12     53   4015     0
 52 Monterrey (MS)     Mex   997.00  +34%     86*   200     50   2400     0
 53 Philadelphia (M)   USA   937.15  -18%    396     20     36    387   104
 54 Berkeley (S)       USA   936.80*+220%    246*   175*   337*   380    63
 55 Atlanta (S)        USA   895.50  -28%    185    429    193      0     0
 56 New Vrajadham-Hung Hun   894.40* +34%    201*   184*   364     18  1219*
 57 Kisumu (S)         Ken   877.75*+999%    435*     0      7     17     0
 58 New Orleans (S)    USA   842.50  +10%      0      0   1180   1010     0
 59 Perm (M)           Rus   828.75  -59%    224     68     79   1093     0
 60 Lenasia (S)        Sou   666.00*+195%     82*    20    175*  1578*    0
 61 New Talavan (S)    USA   658.25  -27%    270     19    158     81     0
 62 Guadalajara (S)    Mex   637.00*+227%     42*    67*    56   1832*    0
 63 Prague (M)         Cze   608.60   -5%     35    397      7    446   266*
 64 Sofia (MS)         Bul   608.25  -15%     87    281    117    379     0
 65 Miami (S)          USA   595.15  +27%    113*    63*     8    673  1339
 66 Budapest (L)       Hun   555.20  +14%     60    268*   239      0   477
 67 Dallas (M)         USA   542.25  -25%     79    148    259*   427*    0
 68 Nairobi (S)        Ken   538.20   +8%     48    132     81   1072    17
 69 Columbus (S)       USA   534.00  +15%     83     14    514*   348*  100
 70 Miraflores (S)     Per   469.00* +45%      0      0      6   1864*    0
 71 Kharkov (S)        Ukr   445.25  -18%     72     15     26   1093     0
 72 Wellington (S)     New   443.00   +1%     39    263     69*   206   160*
 73 Dnepropetrovsk (S) Ukr   436.25  -41%    124     32      2    621     0
 74 Montevideo (MS)    Uru   418.00    0%      1      0      0   1664     0
 75 Durban (L)         Sou   413.65   -2%     86*    67     41    615     4
 76 Ann Arbor (S)      USA   326.10  -51%    131     32      0     74   136
 77 Itajai (S)         Bra   310.00  -30%     36     84    104*   408     0
 78 Heidelberg (MS)    Ger   309.50  -49%     53     11    385      0     0
 79 Peru TSKP (S)      Per   305.00* +74%      5      0     77*  1026*    0
 80 Joao Pessoa (S)    Bra   304.20  +93%     12*    54     29    844     7
 81 Gurabo (PR) (MS)   Pue   291.25   -7%     20    175*    50    205*    0
 82 New Vrajadham-Braz Bra   280.75  -62%      5    129    168    231     0
 83 Franco da Rocha (M Bra   275.00  -39%      9    168      0    356     0
 84 Madrid (MS)        Spa   266.00  -25%     42    163      0     76     0
 85 Simferopol (S)     Ukr   251.75  -44%    115      0     11     65     0
 86 Accra (M)          Gha   223.75  +69%     75     14     87     65     0
 87 Sao Paulo (S)      Bra   207.50*+999%     19*    52      1    468*    0
 88 Munich (S)         Ger   186.00  -13%      8     80*   180      0     0
 89 Krishna Culture (S USA   177.25  +26%     68      4     56     37     0
 90 Tulancingo (S)     Mex   175.00   na       0      0      0    700     0
 91 Cologne(Gauradesh) Ger   157.00  +85%     30     55*    84*     0     0
 92 Berezniki (S)      Rus   152.25   na      22      8      4    393     0
 93 Hale Krishna Hawai USA   139.00   na      28     49     44     48     0
 94 Lagos (M)          Nig   136.50*+184%      8*    70*    59*    82*    5
 95 Georgetown NimaiPa Guy   135.50   na      10     26     53    236    40
 96 Blantyre (MS)      Mal   128.75*+118%     35      0      0    235*    0
 97 New Navadvip Esseq Guy   125.00   na      50      0      0    100     0
 98 Bon Accueil (M)    Mau   121.25  -72%      0      0     40    405     0
 99 Rovno (MS)         Ukr   113.75  -36%     28      1     81     65     0
100 Vologda (MS)       Rus   107.00  -12%     18*    24     88*    12     0
101 Sarajevo (S)       Bos   106.50  -82%     33     33      0     30     0
102 Porto Velho-Rondon Bra   105.50   +4%      6     43     38    126     0
103 Florianopolis (MS) Bra    95.10  +25%      4     36*    74*    56     1
104 Ljubljana (S)      Slo    92.75  -64%      5      8     93    113     0
105 Vilnius (S)        Lit    86.25  -68%     17     19     36*    61     0
106 Lima (L)           Per    74.25  -12%      0      0      0    297     0
107 Zurich (S)         Swi    70.50  +51%     17     25     23      0     0
108 German Congregatio Ger    44.50  -69%      4     23     27      0     0
109 Rybinsk (S)        Rus    36.75  +14%      7*    15      1     29     0
110 Tegucigalpa (S)    Hon    35.50   +1%      1*     3*     0    122     0
111 Hillsborough, NC ( USA    26.55  -93%      7      5     11      7     3
112 Kirov (S)          Rus    26.00  -92%     13      0      0      0     0
113 Tiraspol (S)       Ukr    26.00  -55%      4      1     34      0     0
114 Vinniza (MS)       Ukr    25.00  -42%      7      2      8     20     0
115 Mafikeng (S)       Sou    16.75  +22%      0      0      3     61     0
116 Cape Town (S)      Sou    13.50  -72%      0      0      1*    52     0
117 Arkadelphia (S)    USA     9.00   +5%      3      0      5      2     0
118 Texarkana (S)      USA     6.25  -72%      2      0      0      9     0
119 New Gokula-Brazil  Bra     2.25  -96%      1      0      0      1     0
120 New Godruma Demera Guy     1.00   na       0      0      2      0     0
                                    (%)Change compared          (*)New high
                                    to monthly average            this year

                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                            PRABHUPADA DISCIPLES
                                October 2013

                                       %   M-Big   Big  Medium  Small  BTGs
    Prabhupada Disciples     Points Change Books  Books  Books  Books  Mags

  1 Bhrgupati d      LA  USA 4896.00  +78%  2448      0      0      0     0
  2 HH Jayapataka Sw May Ind 2000.00  -52%     0   2000      0      0     0
  3 Mandapa d        Bri Aus 1101.50  +88%   542      8     11     16*    0
  4 Drumila d        New USA  827.50  +36%     0      0   1180    950     0
  5 Mohanasini dd    New USA  658.25  -24%   270     19    158     81     0
  6 Nidra dd         Den USA  577.00  -29%   225     57     67    146     0
  7 Yadavendra d     Bri Aus  255.00    0%    23     38    342      0     0
  8 Visala d         Mia USA  162.00   -4%    51      5      0    140   200
  9 Kamalini dd      Hil USA   26.55  -77%     7      5     11      7     3
 10 Shankar Pandit d Chi USA   25.70  -29%     4      0      6     58     2*
 11 Govinda Datta d  LA  USA   20.00  -84%    10      0      0      0     0
 12 HH Danavir Goswa RVC USA   13.00   na      2      2      7     10    10
 13 Misra Bhagavan d Dal USA    8.50  -39%     0      1      2     26     0
                                    (%)Change compared        (*)New record
                                    to monthly average        for this year

                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                       TOP TEN COUNTRIES (CUMULATIVE)
                         January thru October, 2013

                                   %   M-Big    Big   Medium   Small   BTGs
   Country (Temples)    Points  Change Books   Books   Books   Books   Mags

 1 India (25)         1731692.90  -4% 553400  145388  130658 1145192 626526
 2 United States (34)  449829.10 +19% 139315   76278   78647  174660  79795
 3 Russia, CIS (38)    347635.50 +20%  97104   64321  110015  136098    745
 4 Italy (7)            64448.80 -50%  22213       0   39968      92    158
 5 Brazil (27)          64140.45+192%   2412   21860   10625  128449    317
 6 GermanyAustria (9)   55294.50 +76%  21067    6461   13399       0      0
 7 Mexico (5)           46232.25 +25%   1912    5451    5027  137775      0
 8 United Kingdom (2)   37570.40 -16%   9851    1285   24213   17900     19
 9 Ukraine, CIS (20)    37535.50 -58%  10170    1217   19447   25020      0
10 Australia (5)        30993.60+216%  11076    3883    6621    6344    621
                                (%)Change compared to Jan-Oct 2012

                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                        TOP TEN TEMPLES (CUMULATIVE)
                         January thru October, 2013

                        Points        %   M-Big   Big  Medium  Small   BTGs
    Temples (size)        (Months) Change Books  Books  Books  Books   Mags

  1 New Delhi (L) Ind 339990.05(10)  +39%103580   7782  48070*341315*156843*
  2 Mayapur (L)   Ind 301759.45( 9)  -26%114510  25257  33596  92143  76487
  3 Mumbai-Juhu ( Ind 195561.25( 9)  +11% 80325   6177  16017  82903      0
  4 Vrindavan (L) Ind 163265.25(10)  +33% 25284  63961*     0 194945*     0
  5 Tirupati (L)  Ind 154301.20(10)  -19% 53711   8296   5939 115616  50111
  6 Moscow (L)    Rus 144016.50(10)  +13% 54050  16488  26438  24838      0
  7 Los Angeles ( USA 108336.65(10)  +28% 28560  25554* 30274* 36447  14139*
  8 Pune (L)      Ind 106985.20(10)  +78% 44016   4565*  3698  33760  31015
  9 New Delhi(Pun Ind 104881.50(10)  +35% 27041   6193*  8398*114430* 79240*
 10 Mumbai-Chowpa Ind  95618.15(10)   +8% 29413   8940*  3695  92785  23201
                                   (%)Change compared        (*)Better than
                                      to Jan-Oct 2012             last year

                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                          January thru October, 2013

                        Points        %   M-Big   Big  Medium  Small   BTGs
    Individuals           (Months) Change Books  Books  Books  Books   Mags

  1 Gopisvar d Del Ind  9687.50( 3)   na   3114    587    957   9576      0
  2 Lalit Madh Pun Ind  4812.00( 1)   na   2395      4      6     60      0
  3 Yogesh d   Pun Ind  2064.00( 1)   na   1032      0      0      0      0
  4 Vichitra K Del Ind  2060.25( 1)   na     27     30    107   7691      0
  5 Manojyoti  Pun Ind  1607.75( 2)   na    607     88    136    951      0
  6 Jai Narasi Pun Ind  1352.50( 3)   na    546    137     29    436      0
  7 Brajprasad Pun Ind  1265.75( 2)   na    450    163     27    757      0
  8 Parth Sart Pun Ind   938.00( 1)   na    469      0      0      0      0
  9 Revati Pat Pun Ind   774.50( 1)   na    288     77     45    396      0
 10 Sakshiachy Pun Ind   730.00( 1)   na    365      0      0      0      0
                                   (%)Change compared        (*)Better than
                                      to Jan-Oct 2012             last year

                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                       TOP 50 INDIVIDUALS (CUMULATIVE)
                          January thru October, 2013

                        Points        %   M-Big   Big  Medium  Small   BTGs
    Individuals           (Months) Change Books  Books  Books  Books   Mags

  1 Madhusunda Del Ind 98192.25(10)  +54% 16238   3485  36238*165249* 28000
  2 Nandananda Tir Ind 38363.25(10)*+192% 13560*  2108*  1808* 31241*  3222
  3 Tirtha Kri Tir Ind 36679.80(10)  -28% 12910   1558   1599  31630   4086
  4 HH Jayapat May Ind 35625.00( 9)  +33% 16500   2000      0   2500      0
  5 Bk Rakesh  Del Ind 33243.00(10)  -56%  7956      0      0  69324      0
  6 Bharadwaj  May Ind 31558.15( 8)  +31% 13517   2667*   650*  5589   1349
  7 Bhrgupati  LA  USA 29590.50(10)* +70% 11074*  6407   1119   1852    130
  8 Keshava Ba New Ind 28885.00(10)  +45%  4841   2657*  4006* 45224* 30090*
  9 Damodara S New Ind 28843.25(10)  +35%  4844   2656*  3910  45225* 30100*
 10 Anupam Kri Mos Rus 26708.00(10)*+108% 13028*    65*  1063*   222      0
 11 Paramesvar RVC USA 26506.70( 9)   -6%  9892   3872   3983     52   8462*
 12 Hemagiri d Mum Ind 21890.75( 7)*  -5%  7103*  1413   3789* 17509*     0
 13 Madhukari  Den USA 19842.25( 9)  -23%  9715    310*     7    395*     0
 14 Bhagavat A Mum Ind 18490.25( 8)  -35%  7337    575*  1085* 10795*     0
 15 Hara d     Mum Ind 18452.00( 5)  +81%  8838     19    112   2804      0
 16 Bk Brandon RVC USA 16950.25( 9)*  na   7122*  1219    466*  4483*  1335*
 17 Rajendra G Tir Ind 15564.60(10)*  na   6020*   841*   757*  7984*  1153*
 18 Ramrupa d  Mum Ind 15200.00( 4)   na   7600      0      0      0      0
 19 Shastra-kr LA  USA 15002.25(10)  +38%  6147   2143*   467   1325      5
 20 Gour Mohan Nrs Ger 14813.50( 8)*+169%  6716*   774   1215      0      0
 21 Bhaktika d Tir Ind 14793.05(10)  -14%  5574    995     11  10239    335*
 22 Gokul Ranj Mum Ind 12889.00( 9)* +23%  4677*   968*  2842*  4584*     0
 23 Caitanya C Cen Bra 11388.75( 8)   na    162   6088   3173  13561      0
 24 Vallabha C Mos Rus 11246.50(10)*  na   3931*  1243   2778*  3010      0
 25 Neel Kanth Del Ind 11024.00(10)  +61%  1717      0      0      0  75900
 26 Puspa Gopa May Ind 10917.25( 7)  +70%  5163    231    138   1165      0
 27 Deva Krsna RVC USA 10601.75( 9)* +52%  3764*  2612*   133   1581*     0
 28 Banamali M May Ind  9948.45( 8)* +62%  3867   1508*   620*  1385*   502
 29 Nitai Lila Cat Ita  9863.00( 7)  -39%  3414      0   6070      0      0
 30 Anirudha S Mum Ind  9344.50( 8)   na   4220    190    519   1820      0
 31 Gadadhara  Cat Ita  9262.50( 7)  -39%  3231      0   5601      0      0
 32 Prema Sank LA  USA  9118.00(10)  -22%  1508   4279    324   6548    240
 33 Bk Daniel  Atl USA  9043.65(10)*  na   2460*  2930*  1980*   573    604
 34 Mohanasini New USA  8496.25(10)  +10%  3474    160*  2093   1367      0
 35 Krsna Rupa Cat Ita  8421.00( 7)  -26%  2939      0   5086      0      0
 36 Krsna Kuma Ber USA  8349.75( 9)  -35%  1107   5313   1479    333      0
 37 Yoga Nrisi May Ind  8263.40( 8)  -29%  2800    646   2847*  2152    559
 38 Govind Mur Mum Ind  8243.75( 2)  -70%  2899    540   1392   4839      0
 39 Vrajasunda Cat Ita  8210.50( 7)  -55%  2959      0   4585      0      0
 40 Nidra dd   Den USA  7884.25(10)  -22%  2653   1465    494   3465      0
 41 Acharyarat Per Rus  7812.50( 9)  +19%  3336    389   1332    342*     0
 42 Sacitanoy  LA  USA  7718.75(10)  +21%  1632   3863      0   2367      0
 43 Bipin Biha May Ind  7649.75( 8)  -34%  3325    743*   419*   189      0
 44 Vijaya Ven Tir Ind  7480.45( 9)   na   2210    553    582   8029   1503
 45 Gokuleshwa Mum Ind  7337.50( 5) +999%  3486     22    285    804      0
 46 Kamal Naya May Ind  7327.50( 8) +127%  3419    268*   312    262      0
 47 Raivat d   Ahm Ind  7268.50(10)   -8%  3134      0    849   2274     75
 48 Tusta Ram  May Ind  7039.95( 7)  +31%  2967    505*   515   1259    287
 49 Raya Nitai BBT USA  6950.00( 9)*  na   1348*  2532*  2420*  2048*     0
 50 Ambarish d Mos Rus  6946.00( 7)  -59%  3473      0      0      0      0
                                   (%)Change compared        (*)Better than
                                      to Jan-Oct 2012             last year

Author: admin

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