5,612 Books Distributed During Marathon 2012 by H.G.Bhumi Devi Dasi
H.G.Bhumi Devi Dasi (ACBSP), just finished tallying her book distribution for 2012. totals are as follows:
5,160 small books (titles include POY, Beyond birth and Death, Bhakti-yoga, the Art of Eternal Love)
375 medium books (titles include Path of Perfection, Sri Isopanisad, Chant and Be Happy, Higher Taste Cookbooks, The Nectar of Instruction, and Easy Journey to Other Planets).
77 Big books (Titles include Bhagavad-gita – hard and soft back, Science of Self Realization -hard cover)
For a total of 5,612 books, distributed in Monterey.