Mercy of Lord Balarama
We were in Varna City, Bulgaria, on traveling sankirtan. It was Lord Balarama’s appearance day. I decided to offer all the books I distributed that day to Lord Balarama for His pleasure. There wasn’t so much time to distribute, though, because we had to do some cooking for the festival.
I began to distribute around the camper that we travel in, and everything was very easy and blissful. For the past few years I’ve been trying to give people several books to start with, usually the three books comprising the 1st and 2nd cantos of Srimad-Bhagavatam. On this day I distributed a few Bhagavatams, and at one point an elderly fruit seller looked at the SB volumes and said, “This is what I’ve been searching for all my life!” He took the 1st and 2nd canto volumes, and I suddenly thought, “Why not offer him the other six Bhagavatam volumes I have?” So I told him about them.
He was eager to see them, and after a few minutes all 9 Bhagavatam volumes were in his hands. He was so happy with them and gave a nice donation! Lord Balarama is so merciful!!
On Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasa Puja day it happened again. This time a hatha yoga teacher received the mercy in the form of the 9 Bhagavatam volumes.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Your servant, Sthanu das