ISKCON Salem Travelling Party

ISKCON Salem Travelling Party

We do door to door book Distribution in South India and we always carry Bhagavatam sets along with us in our book carts. Today Acharya Das and Tosana krishna das were doing book distribution in a street and suddenly one person approched our devotees and invited them to his home and our devotees had no idea of who this person is but they went to his home and he said a miraculous incident to our devotees, that his Guru said him, “Today two Bramacharis will come to your home, get blessings from them.”

That day was his wife’s birthday and his guru further said to him, “What ever those Bramacharis have, buy it and give it as a gift to your wife.” He asked our devotees what they have and our devotees become full bliss and showed him the whole Bhagavatam set then that person also become complete blissful and he purchased the whole Bhagavatam set and gave the cheque immidietly.

– Iskcon Salem Travelling party

Author: admin

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