Whoa, She Got a Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.1!
I was going door to door in Waihi, a beach town. Behind one door loud pop music was playing. I thought that a party must be going on inside and that a young teenage girl or boy would answer the door. But to my surprise an old lady answered. As I showed her the books I asked her how she got rid of stress. She said she listens to music of all sorts. Then she agreed to give a donation for a book. As she went off to get the donation, I listened to the lyrics of the music playing: "Whoa, we are going to a party! Whoa, we are going to Ibiza!"One can really appreciate how Srila Prabhupada has saved us from such bad music. She came back with $10 and took a Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.1 into her hands. Whoa, she got a Srimad Bhagavatam 1.1!
Your Servent
Vijaya Dasa