Steady Determination is More Pleasing to Krishna than a Big Result

New York

We were on our way to the Moedown Music festival in Up-State New York to distribute BBT books to around 10,000+ music fans. However, after an hour-long search of our van at the security check point, we were turned away because of the exorbitant amount of books in our vehicle.

After cleaning up the mess they made of our personal items and leaving, we were stopped 15 minutes later by a New York state trooper because the concert security had called them saying that maybe they should "check us out." After hearing that the Sheriff had no remorse for allowing ten thousand drug crazed hippies to congregate in his county and another hour of waiting for the authorities to thoroughly search through and ransack our stuff, we decided to try another country and went to Canada.

Just before entering Canada at the customs office, we were stopped again and the authorities thoroughly searched our vehicle for the third time that day. After finding a bunch of books, we were told to go back to the United States. At the present moment we are on our way to a mall and we will do our best to avoid the mall security. Nothing can stop Srila Prabhupada's books from going out!

Your servants,

Raya Nitai das

Bhakta Mike

and Bhakta Dean

Author: admin

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