Let us do something about human civilization
On the whole the whole human civilization is not being given a chance to know the value of life and how to conduct life. It is the first time, that we are giving the real idea of life. Otherwise whole world is in darkness. Na te viduh svartha-gatim. They do not know what is the end of life. Adanta… Matir na krsne paratah svato va. Srimad-Bhagavatam, Vyasadeva's real contribution… Ajanatah, lokasyajanato vidvams cakre satvata-samhitam [SB 1.7.6]. He has given the right direction. And they are not taking advantage of it. If they come to sense some day, they'll read all these books, and they will come to know how to live life. That is our contribution, Krsna consciousness. The whole world plunged into darkness. They do not know what is life and what is the aim of life. That's a fact. Periodically, they manufacture some ideas, and people will follow, and then it is failure, and again another revolution. They are…, the Russian philosophy, that periodically revolution required. That is also to some extent. But why revolution? Take the standard. They do not know what is the standard.
Hari-sauri: That means they're always imperfect.
Prabhupada: Imperfect, surely. Let us do something about it.