We are not in control
Dear Prabhus,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Here is a nice realization I had.
By the mercy and grace of the Vaishnavas I've had the privilege of being able to serve on the illustrious Paramesvara Prabhu's North American Traveling Sankirtan Party for the past year and half.
As a part of my service, he told me to help expand the party by getting more sankirtan devotees.
Ever since I've struggled to recruit devotees without much success…. until recently.
Every morning at New Dwarka Dhama in Los Angeles, Svavasa Prabhu and the devotees humbly prays to Sri Sri Rukmini Dwarkadish to help them engage in Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's glorious sankirtan movement by sending them more sankirtan devotees.
About one week ago, we started doing the same prayer every morning in our van.
Since we began one week ago we've had two devotees join our sankirtan party, one devotee made arrangements to join, and two devotees asked to join.
This is a vivid example of how we are absolutely not in control. In order to be successful in devotional service we MUST take complete shelter of the Lord and not think for a moment that we can do anything without His mercy.
Humbly praying at the lotus feet of all the Vaishnavas for successful execution of devotional service.
Your Servant,
Madhukari Dasa