Where There is will, there is a Way
Abhinandan Prabhu, a 67-year young devotee is a veteran book distributor in Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Mandir, Chowpatty. He has undergone 15 operations including hernia, prostate, ear and abdominal wall, and suffers from diabetes, high BP, partial deafness and vertigo. Yet his spirits are indomitable. He recalls his experience of 2009 December Marathon:
The whole of 2009 I was terribly sick. I had severe abdominal pain due to an umbilical hernia. The Doctors decided not to operate and strictly advised me not lift anything heavy. "You have done enough," my counselor told me, "now rest." I said, "OK." At this stage, I am not even allowed to offer dandwats.
The Marathon arrived. I have been doing marathon for past 20 years. I could not sit idle. I requested the temple authorities to give me 500 Bhagavad Gitas. I went to a builder and he took 100 books. I went to central bank and met an officer and requested her to place bulk order. She said, "What will I do with them?" I said, "You can distribute in old age homes, hospitals etc." She gave me money for 108 books. I gave the books to a devotee to distribute to the poor. Then another builder took 100 books. A Doctor took 60 books. Many others took books.
I could not lift, yet people helped me load the books in the car and deliver them. In this way, I distributed all 500 books in spite of so many difficulties. I have no qualification, nor do I know any philosophy. It's only by the mercy of Sri Sri Radha Gopinath, Srila Prabhupada, my spiritual master and the Vaisnavas that I could distribute them.