What is Required to Please Krsna

Srila Prabhupada

In class Prabhupada explained what is required of us if we want to please Krsna and get His blessings. "We have to surrender. That will please Krsna. And without pleasing Him? You cannot see Krsna. You may have your eyes, big, big eyes, but you cannot see Krsna. You have to please Him. That pleasing activity is bhakti.

"Without that bhakti, it means sitting down silently… 'No, no, I am chanting. I do not want to go out. I am busy.' This means excuse. What you will chant? You will think of money and woman, that's all. Just work. Go to sell books and work hard. That is wanted. Therefore we do not give that opportunity. My Guru Maharaja did not give this opportunity, and we are following the same principle. No opportunity of sitting idle. No, you must work. That will rectify. Yes."

From Transcendental Diary

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