An Appeal for the Book Distributors
Hare Krsna Prabhus,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
In 2002 the GBC asked me to be the minister of book distribution. Since then I have been traveling around the world trying to encourage book distribution. One of the obstacles to book distribtuon that I often see as I travel in the third-world countries, and sometimes in first- and second-world countries as well, is that many temples cannot afford books or vehicles.
This letter is an appeal to you for donations to the book distributors around the world. Since I've been in this position I have helped four sankirtana teams (in third-world countries) get vehicles for book distribution. You have no idea how happy these sankirtana devotees were to get them. If anyone would like to help in this way, you can either go to Paypal and put my e-mail – – as the receiver, or you can write out a check to ISKCON and send it to me at the LA temple: Vijaya Dasa, c/o ISKCON, 3764 Watseka Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90034.
It doesn't mater how big or small the donation is — $5, $10, $50, or thousands.
Below are some statements Srila Prabhupada made in his books about the importance of giving charity to spread Krsna consciousness.
BG 16.1. purport: "Charity is meant for the householders. The householders should earn a livelihood by an honorable means and spend a portion of their income to propagate Krsna consciousness all over the world. Thus a householder should give in charity to institutional societies that are engaged in that way. Charity should be given only to propagate Krsna consciousness all over the world. That is charity in the mode of goodness."
BG 11.54 purport: "As far as charity is concerned, it is clear that charity should be given to the devotees of Krsna who are engaged in His devotional service to spread the Krsna philosophy throughout the world. Krsna consciousness is a benediction to humanity. Lord Caitanya was appreciated by Rupa Goswami as the most munificent man of charity because love of Krsna, which is very difficult to achieve, was distributed freely by Him. So if one gives some amount of his money to persons involved in distributing Krsna consciousness, that charity, given to spread Krsna consciousness is the greatest charity in the world.î
There is also this statement by Krsna in the Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.22.35): Etavaj janma-saphalyam dehinam iha dehisu/ pranair arthair dhiya vaca sreya-acaranam sada: "It is the duty of all living beings to perform welfare activities for the benefit of others with their life, wealth, intelligence and words." You may not be able to give your life for preaching or your intelligence or your words. But everyone can give some of their wealth for preaching. Prabhupada wanted his householder disciples to give 50% of their income for preaching. I only know of one devotee that does that. Of course, it isn't easy now because times are difficult, but at least everyone can give something. If a lot of people give a little, it becomes a lot.
So if anyone would like to help book distribution around the world, either by monthly donations, occasional donations, or just a one-time donation, then certainly Krsna and Srila Prabhupada would be pleased.
Your Servant,
Vijaya Das