Don’t Be Discouraged
I traveled from Ahmed Nagar to Pune early one morning by bus, so I was chanting. By the time I completed my chanting, there were 20-25 minutes remaining for the bus to reach Pune. I thought I could try to distribute two Marathi Bhagavad-gitas that I was carrying all the way from Pune to A'Nagar & had not had any opportunity to distribute, as another book distributor had his BGs to show to all.
I went from one seat to another, approaching one person and then another. Some said they had it. I tried to persuade them, then, to give their relatives a copy. Still it did not work.
I tried four persons: no BG distribution. Fifteen minutes might have passed. The fifth person was also not ready to see it.
I just said, "There is no money charged for just seeing. Have a look!"
At least, he took it in his hands, I was happy. I started explaining. But, after 2-3 minutes, he said no. I thought, "Maybe nothing will distributed today!"
The sixth and last person was left for me to try, before I had to get down, as I was quite close to my bus stop.
I handed over a BG to him & started explaining.
He said, "I have it at home, and my mother reads it daily. Also, I am new to Pune and how could I be carrying it?"
I said, "Yes, you could carry it everywhere. I have these two Bhagavad Gitas for distribution to others, but, I also carry my Fifth Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam for my own reading. I carry it everywhere. You could also give to someone if you like."
Suddenly the fifth person (who was watching me explain BG's color pictures & its shlokas to the sixth person) interrupted and asked, "Is it in Marathi?"
I said, "Yes."
And I handed one copy to him. He at once took out Rs. 100/- and handed it to me. I acknowledged his interest, continued explaining to the sixth person and within twenty seconds or so, he also took out Rs. 100/-. I thanked him also. As I got up from the sixth person's seat, my bus was slowing down at once to stop. That was it – my stop to get down.
From today's early morning experience, I felt that Srila Prabhupada was testing and tasting my perseverence. (Certainly, I need to work a lot on it.)
I have heard a devotee say, "Srila Prabhupada was a man of no discouragement!"
Obviously, if anyone is in tune with this mood of Srila Prabhupada to some extent, Srila Prabhupada is right there between the book distributor and the person receiving the book.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada's unlimited perseverence & his nature of never getting discouraged! Because he never got discouraged, I am in ISKCON, at his lotus feet, to beg him, for a drop from his oceanic perseverence.
Thank you.
Hare Krishna.
Your servant,
Sundarshyam Dasa.