An Amazing Thing Happened
I was distributing at Venice Beach in LA, it was one of those necter days when you meet a lot of nice people and they happily take a book and give a donation. Then to top it off when I got back to the Temple a devotee approached me and asked if he could have a word with me. He went on to tell me a pretty amazing event that took place. A few guru-kulies and one friend of there's who wasn't a devotee but liked to hang around the devotees went to one swimming area where they jumped off these rather high cliffs. at one point the boy who wasn't a devotee (Ryan) jumped off a cliff but fell in the wrong area and thus swifly got pulled toward a water fall, no one saw him comming up so they went down to the river to try to help, then one devotee saw him come up. When Ryan saw this devotee named Rama, Ryan put up his hand and called out,"Rama save me, Rama save me"!. Then he was pulled under never to be seen again. He left this world saying," Rama, save me"!
Before Ryan went for his swim he asked a devotee to hold $60 for him. After this unfortunate insident the devotee that had the $60 thought it would be best if this money could be used in Krsna's service so he gave it to a devotee. The devotee that told me about this incredible event is the one who was given the $60, he gave it to me and asked that it be used to distribute books with. So now if I meet anyone who can't afford a book I'll give it to him saying,"This is for you in memory of a very fortunate soul named, Ryan."
Jaya Rama
Vijaya das