A Bus Driver is Becoming Krsna Conscious

Bhakti Yoga The Art of Eternal Love

There's a man called Peter, who often drives the bus to and from Mt. Victoria. This is the bus on which I get to and from where I live. Most of the time, Peter is in a bad mood. He gets angry with other drivers on the road and angry with passengers who take too long to find their snapper card.

One day I was at the bus stop with Gokula-lila, about to travel to the city. Peter was driving the bus. He was in an unusually good mood.

"Are you Hare Krishna girls?" he asked.

We said yes, and he said he could tell by the way we were dressed. He told us that he went to Sweetwaters, a Hare Krishna event back in the 1980s. He told us his nice memories of the event, and Gokula-Lila gave him a sticker of Jagannath.

Over time, I noticed that this man was changing. He was becoming warm and friendly, and often appeared to be glowing. And then I noticed that Jagannath was brightly smiling on his driver's cash box.

The bus stop where I get off is one of the last, where most people get off. On this occasion, being the last person on the bus, I approached Peter with a book.

I showed him "Bhakti Yoga: The Art of Eternal Love", and gave a brief explanation. He looked through the book, then back at the cover, and said "I could do with some love". I explained that this was about caring for the soul, a love that would nourish him. And he took the book.

I began to walk home, then heard the tooting of a horn. As I looked up, I saw that Peter was waving to me, smiling happily as he drove away.

Srila Prabhupada, ki jaya!

Your servant,
Vinita-devi Dasi

Author: admin

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