Los Angeles SD Newsletter Vol.3 Issue 22

Los Angeles


By Nandanandana däsa

Prakasananda dasa was the first devotee in Mexico City and in all of Latin America. On the Saturday, Dvadasi, 13 of October, Prakasananda prabhu left his body at Srila Prabhupada’s quarters in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Prakasananda prabhu met and joined the pioneering devotees, Citsukhananda das, Bhutahrit dasa and Bhakta Jan, in 1971. During Srila Prabhupada’s first visit to Mexico, in 1972, he got his first initiation from His Divine Grace. Few months later he left with Citsukhananda prabhu to start a temple in Caracas, Venezuela. There they met with H.H. Hanuman Swami who was on his way to Argentina. Since Hanuman Maharaja wanted to take Prakasananda with him to Argentina, he was exchanged for two brahmacaries, who were accompanying Maharaja. On their way to Argentina they went thru Brazil, preaching ecstatically there. In Argentina, Prakasananda spent years preaching and making devotees. Devotees loved him for his character, dedication and peaceful demeanor.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to his dedicated devotees!

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