Koln Book Distribution

Bhaktibhusana Swami.

Hare Krsna Prabhus,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

It was just suggested to me by Tattvavit Prabhu (a disciple of Srila Prabhupada) that I could make the conference more interesting if I send messages that mention where I am and how the book distribution is going in that particular place.

I'm now in Koln (Cologne), Germany, one of the strongholds of book distribution in Europe. Mangal Maya Prabhu and Sada Siva Prabhu provide the main encouragement. By their sincere efforts and the efforts of another eight devotees, Srila Prabhupada is showering the mercy of Krsna's message in this western section of Germany.

Yesterday, we had a Harinama in Bonn, about a 45-minute drive from Koln. Seventy devotees (from cities around Koln) attended this transendental gathering, and I really have to say that it was ecstatic.

Very blissful sanyasis were leading the way: Sacinandana Swami and Bhaktibhusana Swami. While we were in one place for awhile I noticed two ladies trying to chant but not quite making it, so I brought them some mantra cards. While they were chanting very enthusiastically, I thought, "These inspired souls should get some books." They were just as enthusisastic to get books as they were to chant. Just after we finished the exchange one of the ladies said, "Heh, they're leaving; we have to catch up." And off they went (leaving me behind) to catch the mercy of the age, the holy name of Krsna.

Your Servant,

Vijaya Das

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