Prague, Czech

 The ISKCON Prague temple

I was on a train to Prague from Berlin, while I was in my compartment chanting gayatri a young man steps in and ask if he could come in because someone in the other compartment is smoking. I invite him in and he starts a conversation while I'm chanting gayatri, what to do. Then as he's eating his cake I take it as a chance to finish. Then we started talking, it turns out that he is from Culver City California, where I was based for ten years. He was also a student at UCLA University where I used to distribute books, he remembered speaking to me at my book table and he got a Bhagavad Gita. Small world.

I had heard good things about the Prague Temple, what I heard was confirmed, it is a temple filled with Prabhupada's preaching mood. In 1989 there was only three devotees who went out every day distributing books. Now there is fifty devotees with four traveling parties doing books, they have Harinam every day and on Saturday there's maha harinam, (this is a real maha harinam) devotees from the farm forty miles away along the congregation devotees join in, today there was over a hundred devotees being lead by Prabhavisnu Swami through the streets of Prague which is third in tourist attraction in Europe after London and Paris. Thousands of people were hearing the holy names of Krsna and some were getting books, one lady stopped her car to look as the devotees were going by so a devotee thought it was a good opportune for her to get the Bhagavad Gita, and that she did.

Your Servant,

Vijaya Das

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