To Further the Krsna Consciousness Movement
From Brisbaner Australia:
Parigraha is a brahmacary from the Northern European countries. He visited Oz some time ago. While standing in front of Govinda's in the city, he gave a soft cover Gita to a Mr Wong who is a general practitioner. Mr Wong gave Parigraha $20 and was on his way.
A few weeks later, we received a letter from Mr Wong stating how he appreciated the book he received and he gave a donation "to further KC". Enclosed was a check for: $4,000.
I wrote back to Mr Wong, thanking him, and Dhruva Prabhu went over to bring him a couple more books. He appreciated the gesture but not his mother. He said better talk to me on phone or by mail.
Then Mr Wong sent another letter thanking us for the books and he gave another donation to "further KC". Enclosed was a check for $8,000 this time.
So I wrote back to Mr Wong and told him I had a gift for him. So he came by the temple and we gave him the Srimad Bhagavatam. He was very happy and after an hour or so of conversation, he pulls out this letter that said: "donation to further KC". Enclosed was yet another cheque…$8,000.
Then I left Brisbane but since then I heard that Mr Wong sent another letter "to further KC". Enclosed was a cheque for $6,000.
Total $26,000 for one soft cover Gita….
Who said Book distribution doesn't pay?
Your Servent
Ajita Das