Jilted Jerry Meets a Book Distributor
Jerry’s girlfriend came to Auckland on a student exchange from Canada and asked Jerry to visit her, but a week after he booked his flight, she broke up with him.
So he thought, “Well, I might as well still go and check it out”.
On the very morning Jerry landed in Auckland, even before he checked into his hotel, I stopped him on the street.
He was surprised, because he was looking for a bookshop to buy some reading material for the three weeks he was spending in New Zealand. And it so happened that Jerry was interested in spiritual topics. So he was more than happy to take a Bhagavad Gita, a Science of Self-Realization and a Chant and be Happy. He gave $30 for them.
Coincidentally I met Jerry just two days before Devamrita Swami was going to lecture at the loft. Jerry came and had a wonderful time and felt touched by the loft program.
In those three weeks Jerry came several times to our lunchtime meditation programs at Auckland Uni. and visited the loft for two more lectures by Devamrita Swami. Three days before he left New Zealand he started chanting sixteen rounds, and he’s still chanting to this day.
In Toronto Jerry is a manager at one of the biggest supermarket chains in Canada. I received his e-mail telling me that he is waking up every day between 3 and 4 a.m., to chant all his rounds before work. And he does as much reading as he can during his breaks.
Also in that e-mail was the following:
“Apart from the mp3s you passed along, I’ve been watching youtube videos of Devamrita Swami’s talks. He is a constant source of knowledge and inspiration. I hope to make it to the American retreat in July with him.”
Srila Prabhupada’s transcendental book distribution, ki jai!
Your servant,
Stambha Bhava Dasa