Aisvaya das in Taiwon – Book Distribution 101


So I'm in Taiwan and I enter one pharmacist shop. The trouble is that I have all these preconceived ideas that I've been in this area of Taiwan before and nobody will want more books. And these fears have been magnified by a few people already confirming just that. But I have resigned to the fact that I may as well do the duty and try to understand Bhagavan Sri Krsna's in control. What else am I going to do?

It's funny because even though the pharmacist in the store is talking to a customer, he sees me enter dressed in my orange regalia and immediately leaves his duty to take care of me. I hand him a book and instead of trying to figure out what kind of monk I am he asks me "Hare Krishna?"

That's not a common question here.

I show him my sikha and he begins to chant the mahamantra but when he gets to "Krishna Krishna" he begins to stumble over the words. After all he had just taken over the managership of this pharmacy a couple of months prior and it had been seven years since he received the Bhagavad Gita in his old shop; he was a little rusty.

I flicked through the "Laws of Nature" I had handed him and found the mahamantra. He picked it up again, "let me do this… Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare… there!"

At this point I guess Krsna had answered my doubts. I told him about the temple in Taipei but he told me that he didn't have time to go. So I said that once he becomes the lau-ban (boss) he'll have plenty of time and then he'll have no excuse to not come. He smiled and told me that he should chant this mantra so that one day he can become the lau-ban and attend the temple.

Never does a distributed book go in vain!

Your Servant

Aisvarya Dasa

Author: admin

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