Inspired by Paramatma
While distributing books in the city center in Perth, Australia, I approached a woman sitting on the lawns, perhaps getting a little breather from busy office life. I enquired if she was interested in books on yoga and meditation, but she denied. Thanking her, I continued on with my service, talking with several passers-by and showing them our books – some of them giving a donation and taking them. This continued for the next twenty minutes or so, until finally Paramatma inspired the woman sitting on lawns from within to call out for me and look at the books. As I approached her a second time, she put away her cigarette. I showed her a Bhagavad Gita As It Is and three small books. As we discussed the divine knowledge that Srila Prabhupad has given us, she got more and more interested to understand the ultimate purpose of life. She disclosed having come to the conclusion that the world would never be a happy place. But alas, she has little knowledge of the existence of a spiritual world. Finally, with a smile on her face she took all the small books and I suggested that after completing these, she must get a Bhagavad Gita As It Is. Before leaving, I gave her cards for the temple card and Govinda’s restaurant. I thanked Paramatma for inspiring her to take this step towards a truly happier life. Srila Prabhupad Sankirtan ki Jai. Your servant, Soumya