Vrndavana Seminar

Srila Prabhupada and his book

by Jiva Daya das

I was distributing books at a parking lot when I approached one lady and showed her the books. She said she wasn't very interested but her daughter may be interested. She said she would call her on the mobile phone. After talking to her daughter she said she would be down in ten minutes to see the books. So I continued distributing in the same lot. Then the daughter came down, as soon as she saw the books she said, "yes, these are books that I know I'll find very interesting, do you have any more? I said, "Yes, I do". Meanwhile the mother started becoming interested and was in anxiety thinking that her daughter may buy all the books not leaving any for her, then saw that there were two books left and said, "I want those books!

book distribution ki jaya!

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