When I go out against all odds, Krishna reciprocates even more

I was flooded with things to do at the temple on Sunday, here in Atlanta, but I forced myself to go out to distribute books for a couple of hours. I set up a book stall at a huge Indian grocery chain store, called Patel Brothers. An hour and half went by and only one book was distributed. I was praying like anything for some result, since I had to go back to the temple in the next half hour.

Suddenly an Indian father and his daughter came by and took a little maha-prasada. They casually asked whether I had Srimad Bhagavatam in Gujarati. I couldn't believe my ears. When I showed him the Bhagavatam set, he said, “I don't want these thick books. I want only the Sanskrit slokas and Gujarati translations in one book. No purports.”

I explained: “Just as a mother eats rice, dal , and chapati, which an infant cannot digest, and the food transforms into the mother's breast milk, and the infant can easily digest that, similarly the acaryas like Srila Prabhupada have digested the deep messages of the Bhagavat Purana and written purports we can easily understand."

The pious man heard me out for a while and agreed to buy the set right then and there. And he gave me a nice donation, plus a tip for doing good work.

Anytime I go out with books against all odds, Krishna reciprocates even more.

A picture is attached of this nice gentleman and his daughter.

Your servant,
Sastrakrt Dasa

Author: admin

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