Instrumental at Brooklyn College

I was at Brooklyn College, on a street outside the campus, where I met many nice people. Toward the end I only had a Bhagavad-gita and Srimad Bhagavatam left.

I approached a Chinese girl (they are often not so open), and she was very genuine. She didn’t have money, but had just received a bunch of fruit from a food bank and offered some of it to me. I took some fruit, and she had many questions, so I was answering them and then gave her a book. But I felt anxious to distribute my last book. Then she told me that she would pray that I can give someone the book and get a donations for it. I was grateful, and we said our farewells.

Then I then saw a guy turning a corner. He was wearing a yellow jacket, and I stopped him and showed him the Bhagavatam.

He smiled and said, “No way! I was looking for you!”

It just so happened that he had heard about me from a friend, and he was coming to find me. He had just said to them, “Okay, I’m going to go see the monk.” He couldn’t believe it. He was expressing so much interest in the subject and saying that many synchronicities were happening in his life that day. He got the Bhagavad Gita gave me a generous donation and walked me to the subway. I got his contact info, and we hugged and parted.

Sankirtan is really Krishna’s work, and we only need to be willing instruments. What a day! Hare Krishna!

Your servant,
Brajananda das

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