A flash from the past
Mayapur-sasi Prabhu recently put online (in his international book distribution newsletter) a PDF of the old newsletters from the nineteen-seventies and early eighties.
Reading them and the scores was pretty interesting, a flash from the past.
Especially I liked this one: NEWS FLASH! This weekend, the South American GBC, Hrdayananda Dasa Goswami, flew into Washington D.C., put down his danda, took off his saffron robes, and put on karmi clothes and a wig. Why? To distribute books with Triparari Prabhu at the airport. Here are his comments after his weekend of book distribution:
“Book distribution is bliss. It is self-realization. I am managing eight temples and the growing Spanish division of the BBT, but I am daily going out on book distribution. Surely other managers and GBCs can go out. I humbly challenge the GBCs around the world to send in their book scores.”
This newsletter is dated December, 1974. This gives us an idea how important book distribution was when Srila Prabhupada was encouraging the devotees to give this valuable knowledge to people – to the point of a GBC stopping at an airport to distribute books for a weekend and going out daily wherever he was. As he said, “It’s bliss.” If you would like to see the newsletters of the 70’s and early 80’s you can go to this link: bookbase.us
Your servant,
Vijaya das