The Marathon

Srila Prabhupada's Poster

Dear Prabhu's,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Happy are the Sankirtan devotees to whom such Prabhupada Marathon's come unsought, opening for them the doors to the spiritual world.

Arjuna didn't want to fight in the Battle of Kuruksetra, but Krsna knew what was best for him and the rest of society and thus He instructed him on the art of surrender. Distributing transcendental knowledge is another way to surrender to Krsna and as we surrender more and more we'll find that this is the joy of the soul. Arjuna experienced that joy and so can we.

We're in the material world for a reason: to give up our whims and surrender to the will of Krsna. In the beginning of the marathon the mind and senses may not appreciate it so much, but after being into it for awhile you'll find even they are into it. After you've been in the fire for a few days, you may be surprised to find that as you're taking lunch prasadam the senses will say, "Hurry up! So many people are going by who can be getting books!" This was a common occurrence with Brghupati Prabhu, who while taking prasad near his distribution spot, will sometimes see a receptive looking person walking by, put down his plate of prasad, sell him a book, then return to his prasad seva.

Or, when you're out distributing books and your attention gets diverted by something like a TV playing in a store window, you’re purified mind will chastise you, "You nonsense! Why are you wasting your time with that garbage when we've got more important business to attend to?!" In a letter to Satsvarupa Maharaja Prabhupada said, "Our first business is this book distribution. There is no need of any other business. If this book distribution is managed properly, pushed on with great enthusiasm and determination, and at the same time if our men keep spiritually strong, then the whole world will become Krishna conscious."

In this letter Prabhupada gives us the key to success: staying spiritually strong. Purity is the force. It is this purity that inspires the people to comply with the wishes of the sankirtan devotee by taking a book, and it is this purity that allows the book distributor to continue year after year, marathon after marathon.

A few weeks ago I came across a sentence in a purport that was very inspiring. I hope you'll be inspired by it as well. In the purport to Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.13.55 Prabhupada says of the pure devotee, “His so-called material body does not exist, being surcharged with the spiritual current of the Lord's identical interest." If we can become one with Krsna in interest, one of which is to disseminate this knowledge throughout society, then we've crossed over the ocean of material existence.

This marathon is special, occurring as it does during the yearlong observance of the 108th anniversary of Prabhupada's appearance. To show our love for Prabhupada, we want this to be the most successful marathon in the history of ISKCON. If you know members of the congregation who may like to get involved, then share the mercy: show them how it's done. Or if there are temple devotees who may have some inclination to distribute books and can take some time from their other services, then try to encourage them as well.

During this marathon let's unite in this activity of book distribution that is so pleasing to Srila Prabhupada, Krsna, and the whole disciplic succession. Let's become absorbed in giving Krsna to others, this is what Prabhupada called samadhi.

Hoping this meets you well and in a fired-up sankirtan spirit, I remain

Your servant,

Vijaya dasa

Author: admin

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