Success is in the effort

On a recent evening, I was in Manchester buying a couple of groceries after sankirtana, while listening to podcasts from New Zealand. The devotee speaking was repeatedly talking about ‘trying’ and ‘making an effort’ as I was at the checkout, being served by a friendly Afro-Carribean man named Jeph.

While the words ‘keep trying’ from the podcast were playing in my earphones, I asked Jeph how he was. To my amazement he just said, “I’m trying.”

I responded, “Just keep trying. Success is in the effort.”

He seemed to like it, in fact, he was blown away.

After leaving the shop, I realized I’d forgotten to buy something. When I returned to buy the last thing, I overheard Jeph saying to someone, “He said that success is in the effort.”

When I came to the checkout for the second time, he said that he wanted to know more about what I meant. I explained as best I could and took the opportunity to give both him and his friend “Hiding in Unnatural Happiness,” which they both gave a donation for.

His friend, a Christian, asked me what my purpose as a monk is, and I told him that it is to serve the Supreme.

“But what about serving others?” he asked.

I replied, “When you serve God, you automatically serve everyone else, just as when you water the root of a tree, all the branches blossom!”

“Wow!” they both exclaimed.

By the devotees’ mercy, I was thus able to inspire Jeph and his friend with these mystical statements and even distribute books that may change their lives.

Sankirtana-yajna, ki jay!

Your servant,
Vamsi-vilasi Dasa

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