Relieving Lord Caitanya’s anxiety

Caitanya-caritämrta, Antya 3.50–52
[TRANSLATION, 50–51:] Lord Caitanya said, “My dear Thäkura Haridäsa, in this Age of Kali most people are bereft of Vedic culture, and therefore they are called yavanas. They are concerned only with killing cows and brahminical culture. In this way they all engage in sinful acts. How will these yavanas be delivered? To My great unhappiness, I do not see any way.”

Haridäsa Thäkura replied, “My dear Lord, do not be in anxiety. Do not be unhappy to see the condition of the yavanas in material existence.”
[PURPORT:] These words of Haridäsa Thäkura’s are just befitting a devotee who has dedicated his life and soul to the service of the Lord. When the Lord is unhappy because of the
condition of the fallen souls, the devotee consoles Him, saying, “My dear Lord, do not be in anxiety.” This is service. Everyone should adopt the cause of Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhu to try to
relieve Him from the anxiety He feels. This is actually service to the Lord. One who tries to relieve Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhu’s anxiety for the fallen souls is certainly a most dear and confidential devotee of the Lord.

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