Contagious enthusiasm
This morning I boarded the metro to go to my office, and it was more packed than usual. Almost all the seats were taken. As usual, I was reading the Srimad Bhagwatam during my journey. At Sikanderpur Station, the people sitting next to me left the train, and a new person sat beside me. He was gazing at my book. I could see from the corner of my eye that he was interested in knowing what I was reading. My station was still three stops away, so there was time to try to distribute books.
I told him that I was reading the Bhagavatam and that I have a Gita and small set of books to distribute, which he could take. Although he declined to see the books, I still showed them to him. I described the books’ glories, and suddenly he became interested in the books. He said that his English is not so good but he would love to get books in Hindi. He became so interested that he immediately offered me the donation for the books and asked me whether I could arrange to send them by courier. He even requested me to check whether he can get these books today. I promised to deliver the books as soon as possible and deboarded at my station.
His enthusiasm was contagious, so I wanted to arrange to ship the books as soon as possible. I wondered who might be visiting his part of the town and could give him the books today.
The first person who came to mind was Gadadhara Hridaya Prabhu. I checked with him to find out. He said that his office is in a different location, but he was on leave today and by coincidence was going to this man’s area for some personal work. (Ojasvi Prabhu agreed to become a backup to deliver the books, since he, too, planned to cross that area in the evening.) The books were delivered to that enthusiastic soul on the same day by Gadadhar Hridaya Prabhu. And the English Gita and the small set that I was carrying got distributed during my return journey in the evening.
These are the amazing ways in which the transcendental books reach those who want to read them. We understand that each single book distributed is a great turning point in the multitude of lives of the recipient. It is all transcendentally organized by Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Srila Prabhupada for engaging us in his transcendental service!
Ananda Gauranga Dasa