The Lord’s evident and wonderful arrangements

In southern Brazil, a woman who was in a hurry approached Bhakta Gustavo just to ask him about the price of the Gita. Gustavo, then, while quickly trying to show her other books, dropped a Sri Isopanisad.

She gently picked it up to return it to him and felt inspired to say that she has a tattoo of a Sanskrit mantra that she does not know the meaning of. She showed it to Gustavo.

He immediately recognized it and said, “It’s the first mantra in the book that’s in your hand. Look!”

As expected, she acquired Sri Isopanisad without blinking.

Even though Srila Prabhupada’s unequivocal instructions are enough to assure us of his desire for BBT books to reach the people in a massive way, the Lord’s evident and wonderful arrangements when we are on the sankirtan are always formidable and stimulating confirmations.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Ekachakra Pran Dasa (JPS)

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