A top distributor in the UK, meditating on the marathon

“In generosity & helping others be like the river.” — Rumi

Srila Prabhupada, during this legendary quest of your December Book Marathon 2023, the profound essence of existence will be unveiled within the sacred pages of your literary masterpieces.

In the capacity of book distributors, we undergo a metamorphic journey, not only transforming our own lives but also serving as artisans of transformation in the lives of others. (see photo)

As we disseminate your books to passersby on bustling streets, they remain oblivious to the revelation awaiting them – that you, Srila Prabhupada, were sent as a benevolent blessing. Your revolutionary books take people to a next-level spiritual dimension, elevating the soul to extraordinary realms of consciousness.

The Bhagavad Gita holds the sacred secret which unlocks the door to profound enlightenment, peace & love. In the verses penned by your divine hand, Srila Prabhupada, lies a treasury of wisdom, awaiting discovery by eager seekers. What remains yet undiscovered is the purposeful intent with which you authored these volumes – crafted to be a repository of answers to unspoken rayers. Your wisdom is the solution to everything they need.

Srila Prabhupada, please infuse each of our interactions with your divine influence & love. Without your blessings our efforts will be futile. As the world devours your divine nectar, the revelation of destinies led by your books unfolds with it!

Sankirtan Yajna, Ki Jai!

Gurushakti Dasi

Author: admin

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