Roadside Fruit Stand
Today I was coming back from my son's school, when we saw a cherry stall on a local road. I stopped to purchase some cherries to offer to my Gopala deity at home. Before I approached the elderly lady selling the cherries, I grabbed a small Bhagavad-gita and The Perfection of Yoga. After buying the cherries, I showed her the Bhagavad-gita and gave a brief explanation, while she listened very patiently.
As I was showing her the paintings, I came to Srila Prabhupada's picture. I intensely prayed to him to inspire this lady to take his mercy. Then I showed her the changing bodies' picture and also explained a verse about knowledge from the Bhagavad-gita 7.2 and talked about reincarnation.
Meanwhile, other buyers came to get cherries. The lady asked me to please wait. When she came back, I told her that this was the best book she could ever read and asked for her to give a simple donation from her heart.
She said, "I am just working at this road side stall. I do not have much."
I told her that anything she wanted to offer for the priceless wisdom from God Himself would be all right. She looked back in her bag and came up with ten single dollar bills. I gave her a Bhagavad-gita andBeyond Birth and Death. She was really happy to receive both books.