“A Banana for a friend….”

Book distribution

Pamho, AgtSP

Berlin, Germany:

One day during the marathon, I noticed my SKT partner was having an exceptionally huge day while I was struggling like crazy. At one point I also noticed that his book cart was running out early in the day, so somehow I managed to unlock and take it the van to reload it for him. When I came back he was kind of upset that I would serve him like that, but anyway……

Then he said he was thinking of taking a break and getting some fruit but he didn't want to stop distributing because the books were flying out. So I said, ok, keep distributing, I'll buy you some fruit. Before he could protest I was on my way to the store. I came back 10 minutes later and he had distributed 23 more books!!! Of course I praised him like anything at point, but he became really annoyed and said something like, "If somebody loves me only because I get a big result, I spit on that love. The real thing is to always try to be a servant, even if that service is insignificant, like buying a banana for your friend." He was convinced that I distributed those books by buying him a banana (and an apple), and I was convinced that he distributes so many books because he had such a nice understanding of Krsna Consciousness. He did 146 books that day. I did 28.

Author: admin

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