A BTG distributed from the Boston temple ended up in Portugal and made a devotee.

It was 51 years ago today, on January 1, 1971, that I saw my first Back to Godhead magazine at a friend’s beach house in São João do Estoril, Portugal.

I didn’t even know it existed before that day.

A few friends and I were walking along the beach that cold but sunny day when a huge wave came out of nowhere, soaking us to the bone, and we were forced to go to another friend’s house a hundred yards away to dry off.

It was there that I saw BTG, issue No. 25, from September 1969.

My friend said he got it from a sankirtan devotee on the street in Cambridge, Massachusetts a month or two earlier.

The articles really blew my mind, and I began living in the Paris temple a few days shy of ten months later on September 27, 1971.

–ys, Gauracandra Dasa

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