A devilish smile and impoliteness – but a nice surprise
Recently, on a Saturday afternoon, I was distributing books in a small town in Switzerland.
A man in his mid-forties approached me and showed interest in Srila Prabhupada's books. As soon as I handed him two books, he just wanted to continue on his way.
I stood before him and said, "Sorry sir, but these books aren't free. We're monks, and we sell them at a special price to cover the printing cost."
Surprisingly, he responded, "Ah, they are not for free anymore.” He gave me the books back and left. I felt sorry that he must have had a negative experience with devotees.
I continued with my service, and a few minutes later I saw the same man standing nearby observing me. As soon as the first person stopped to talk with me, he came between us and told the person, "You'd better not take any books."
Unfortunately, this second person became a bit disturbed and left without taking a book. And this envious guy left with a devil's smile on his face. I changed the spot so as to not have any further confrontation with him. But after a few minutes he appeared again from a corner and requested me in a very impolite way to leave the place immediately. I told him that I felt quite comfortable here and if he has a problem with my activity he can inform the police about his concerns (the place I was distributing was officially legal).
I avoided any further discussions and changed the spot another time. But a few minuets later he appeared again. At this time I could really feel how he was sucking away my energy. So I decided to have a short break and went to a nearby Ayurveda store.
I still had the stack of books on my arm when I entered the store. The owner asked what kind of books I was carrying. He went through the whole stack and kept some of the books aside.
Then he asked me if I can bring him some more of several titles. Of course I could and it ended up that he took around thirty books that he wants to sell in his store.
He told me that he read most of the books in his youth and has a Srimad-Bhagavatam set at home and really appreciates the work of our movement. We exchanged contacts and started in this way a new channel to distribute Srila Prabhupada's books in Switzerland.
With a clear mind, I went back on the street, met wonderful people, and the crazy fellow didn't appear again the rest of the day.
I'm very thankful that Guru and Krsna arrange such situations to purify my consciousness and the way I perform devotional service.
All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga!
Srila Prabhupada's transcendental book distribution – ki jaya!
Your Servant,
Divyasimha Dasa