A lady’s Sister Helps a Devotee Distribute a Book
During the Prabhupada marathon in Upper Hutt, near Wellington, NZ, I tried stopping a young Maori lady with a pram as she entered a burger shop. She gave me the cold shoulder – didn't even consider stopping.
Soon after I stopped another young Maori lady who was very interested in the Gita, though she didn't know much about Krsna or Eastern wisdom. Being fifty cents short of the recommended donation, she said she would get more from her sister in the burger shop. I told her not to worry (I was concerned that the sister in the shop might talk her out of taking a book), and she happily moved on with her BG.
Sometime later both ladies were coming toward me with their prams. The sister who had taken the book walked passed, but to my great surprise the second lady stopped, apologized for not stopping to talk earlier and, as she was reaching for her purse, asked how much for the book. She explained that her sister persuaded her to get a copy for herself!
Your servant,
Amani Gaurahari Dasa