A little story from from Finland

Teachings of Queen Kunti

Dear Devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada!

I was distributing books in front of a grocery store in Kausala, a very small town. I handed one lady the Teachings of Queen Kunti.

She said, "So this is about Krishna? I don't know anything about Krishna. This will be very interesting to read."

She then asked many questions and we talked about what is real, spiritual happiness. Then a girl that looked like good potential for taking a book walked by. I couldn't present any books to her since I was still talking with this other lady. But then she noticed the girl too and immediately called out "Come here and see these books! Take one for yourself! You'll definetely like these books about Krishna!"

She came over and I handed her one and the lady went on glorifying the book and the philosophy repeating the things we had just discussed. Then the girl took it! The lady got a full experience of real happiness by distributing Srila Prabhupada's book.

Your Servant,

Ahaituki Bhakti devi dasi

Author: admin

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