A new technique
During the Woodford festival in Queensland, Australia, I had some interesting experiences.
An elderly man came to the table and said, “Ten years ago, a friend of mine and I came to your table, and he got a Bhagavad-gita from you. Then, after reading it, he gave it to me.”
I said, “To keep the flow rolling, how about if you get a Bhagavad-gita and give it to a friend?”
“Yes, I’ll do that. That would be the right thing to do.”
The next day, a couple came to the table and was showing some interest. We had a nice talk about the difference between matter and spirit and about how real happiness is inner, spiritual happiness. But then said they weren’t so interested it taking the book.
So I said, “Okay. Would you like to give a donation anyway?”
They said, “Sure, we can do that.”
They gave $20, so I said, “Why don’t you take the book? You seem like thoughtful people.”
Then they took it.
It’s very common for people we speak with to say, “No thank you! I’m not interested in getting a book.”
But they don’t mind giving a donation. Throughout the festival, when they said they weren’t interested in taking a book, I would ask for a donation. Many people were willing to give one. Then I would offer a book to them, and they would take it.
One man gave $50, but still didn’t want a book. However, most people would take a book after saying no and giving a donation.
This is a technique that the sankirtan devotees can add to their book distribution.
Your servant,
Vijaya Dasa