A Smuggler or a Book Distributor?

Police Mumbai

Vamsidhara Prabhu, age 55, is an active congregational member at ISKCON Chowpatty. He and his group of congregational devotees seize upon any opportunity for distributing books. Whenever there is a big event in Mumbai, they all go there to distribute. Please read this amazing story.

One fine day His Grace Vamsidhara Prabhu was driving to one such event in his car, which was completely loaded with Srila Prabhupada's books. But when he crossed the police checkpoint, a police van started following him. Vamsidhara Prabhu thought nothing of it and didn't stop. This intrigued the police. So they sped up and soon overtook his car. They suspected him of smuggling contraband in his vehicle!

They blocked the car and asked Vamsidhara to get out. When Vamsidhara coolly exited, the three policemen saw that he was barefoot.

The policeman in charge ominously asked, "Where are your shoes!?"

Vamsidhara calmly answered, "They're in the car."

"Who are you?" the officer demanded.

"I'm a grandson of Srila Prabhupada's."

Now all the cops were astonished. So they asked, "What's in the boxes? Open the door!"

As he opened the door Vamsidhara replied, "They're transcendental books."

Confused, the head policeman politely asked, "What do you mean by that?"

At this point Vamsidhara took out a Bhagavad Gita and started preaching about the book. He explained the philosophy so nicely that in the end the three policemen each took a Marathi Bhagavad Gita.

The icing on the cake was when Vamsidhara Prabhu gave each of them his card and they realized he is a stockbroker!

Sankirtana Yajna ki jaya!

Author: admin

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