A Street Beggar Purchases Two Bhagavat Gita


One day I went to near by Ganesh temple to distribute books. First I went to a flower seller, near to Ganesh temple. I thought she is having nice devotional profession as she was selling flower for lord Ganesh. So I approached her to take one book. But to my surprise she became very much irritated and told this is just her business and nothing more. I felt very sad for her and realize that only by  Then ,

After some time I came across a poor begger who sits to beg at that Ganesh temple. The begger was very much enthusiastic to take Bhagavat Gita. I was very much amazed and asked him if he had much money to buy this book. Somehow he gave me 90 rupees. Is that ok ?? he asked and I said yes and happily gave him the book. While I was leaving he called me again and told he is having a sister who is also begging at another ganesh temple and she is gujrati. He wants to give a Bhagavat Gita to her also. I showed him the Gujrati copy. He searched every location , every pocket of his dress and found another 80 rupees. I felt great happiness and gave him that copy also. Some people were watching our conversation and they also became very interested and two of them took 2 copies of Bhagavat Gita from me. Srila Prabupada transcidental book distribution ki jay!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bhakta Damodar , Diva congregation.

Author: admin

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