A young Vietnamese man & a man with a $2 bill

 A young Vietnamese man & a man with a $2 bill

While I was distributing at Cal State in LA, a Vietnamese lady approached my table and looked with curiousity at my books. I showed her the Gita and explained some of the contents. She said she had some interest in it, but didn't read English very well.

I asked her whether she lived in Los Angeles, and she said yes.

So I replied, "Then you must be learning English. You can practice with this book."

(Satya-narayana Prabhu's BBT books in Vietnamese are not out yet; otherwise, I probably would have had one with me.)

She said it would be too difficult, but she'd bring her son by, to see whether he'd like it.

I thought, "Fat chance! That's the end of that." They usually don't come back.

But two hours later she brought her son, and I showed him the Gita. He gets completely into it, gives a donation and gets the book. Now there's an example of a well-wishing mom.

Another time, while at San Bernardino State University I called over a student to my table and showed him the Gita. He liked it and wanted it, but all he had was his lucky two-dollar bill.

I said, "The reason you've kept that lucky two-dollar bill is so that you could get this Gita. This is your good luck."

He said, "Oh, great. I was always wondering what this would be spent on and now you're offering me this nice book that I really want. And all I have is my lucky $2 bill, so this is great. Here, this is for you."

He walked away with what Srila Prabhupada said is the most beautiful thing in the world, and he got it for only $2. Lord Caitanya has slashed the prices and specially discounted the mercy in Kali-yuga.

Your servant,
Vijaya Dasa

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