Ahh Mormons!
Dear Prabhus,
Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Doing books in Greece was super blissful. We did soft Gitas and Sri Isopanisads. When I saw that people were not interested I resorted to the old double reverse program by telling people that they definitely wouldn't enjoy the book and it was everything they weren't interested in and opposite of everything they believed in and whatever they do they shouldn't give a donation for the book. And of course that was enough to convince them that they should take a book. "THE WIERD ABODE". I was going out in white yogi pants and a long white kurta, you know the real yogi look. One guy looks me up and down and then with a very disgusted look says " AHH MORMONS!"
by Tara Das