All Glories To Caitanya Ananda

The University of Iowa, USA

Sankirtana Yajna Ki Jai! I was just reading the amazing story of Caitanya ananda prabhu's life and passing. It was very inspiring how in just seven years he was able to perfect his life and go back to Godhead. His story gave me great hope. Just see the power of Sankirtana. For a little while I've had to do travelling Sankirtana alone due to certain circumstances. It's been difficult at times to stay in the sankirtana fire but thanks to the bds conference and the internet there is plenty of nectar available. I can even go online and see the morning progam live from differen't parts of the world. I was thinking of what Caitanya Ananda prabhu said about the power of Sankirtana and how the Sankirtana devotees are so dear to the Lord. The last few days were a little difficult but Krishna reciprocated with my austerities. I was in the state of Iowa, U.S.A. distributing at a University. It went well, but I had to drive quite a distance to get to the next place. I was quite tired after that so I decided to take a day to hear and chant and rest to get myself ready for book distribution tomorrow. During the night I had an amazing dream. In the dream I was on a journey to a Krishna concsious program at a devotees house in San Diego. I was riding a motorcycle very fast through a tunnel. Somehow it took a long time to get through this tunnel. When it finally ended I was in a very modern building on the top floor. It was some kind of office. I went to the desk and asked where I was since I couldn't understand how I mystically arrived there from the tunnel. The person behind the desk replied that I was the most fortunate person because of Sankirtana and that I should go to the window and look out. What I saw was completely amazing. It looked like India outside but it was more like a heavenly place. There were people all around on the ground in what appeared to be a giant festival. Off in the distance was a giant Gold Ananta Sesa or something like a platform made out of snakes. It was so big like Mount Meru. On top of it Was a giant Deity of Lord Vishnu which must have been a few miles high. It was touching the clouds. Suddenly Vishnu Disappeared and Ganesha appeared there which I took to mean that all obstacles on the path of bhakti were to be removed. Then this Giant platform of Ananta Sesa started to move toward me. When it got close Ganesha disappeared and then Krishna appeared. I offered my obeisances but when I got up I felt ecstatic symptoms and fainted then woke up. That's exactly how the dream happened. It was amazing. I felt very purified when I woke up. Even though I'm just a regular devotee I know that because of book distribution It is pleasing Srila Prabhupada and sometimes the reciprocation is amazing. It doesn't happen often but I remember a few times in a Kirtan in Mayapura or on Parikrama or after a marathon the Lord Gave me a real taste of what Krishna consciousness is like. Sort of like Narada Muni when he saw Vishnu but then Vishnu disappeared. It gave Narada the taste to continue in his Bhakti until he reached perfection. I feel the lord does that to give us the taste to continue.

There are many types of book distribution but the one on one front line approach is the most difficult but also the most powerful which results in so much mercy from Lord Caitanya. No matter how difficult book distribution may become at times, if you never give up the lord will alway's be there to reward you with his love. All glories to the Sankirtana Devotees.

Your Servant,

Devaki Nandana Dasa Radha Damodara TSKP.

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