Appreciation of Srila Prabhupada by the pious religionsist

I was on sankirtana at Botafogo Beach in Rio de Janeiro.

At a bar table, there were three fat old men.

One said, “We don’t want to buy anything! I’m an Evangelical. He’s a Spiritist, and he’s a Pai-de-Santo (a priest of Umbanda, an African-Brazilian religion).”

I continued the conversation, trying to find my point, until I said, “But look, this is one Srila Prabhupada’s book!”

The Pai-de-Santo exclaimed, “Let me see this book of Prabhupada. Prabhupada is an enlightened person!”

I was impressed.

The spiritist agreed, “Yeah! Prabhupada is really good.”

Then the Pai-de-Santo continued, speaking to his companions, “If you knew a third of Prabhupada’s life . . . You would see . . . Everything he went through — it’s a lot of surrender.”

And looking to me, he added, “I have a picture of Prabhupada, this size (showing a space of about 50 cm, or 20 inches, with his hands) in the center of my church. Prabhupada is illuminated! He is an exalted saintly personality.”

So he took the book. And I realized again that Srila Prabhupada is worshiped by every sincere pious person from every religion.

Jagat-guru Srila Prabhupada, ki jaya!

Your servant,
Mahananda Murari Dasa

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