Arabic book distribution, along with a harinama in the rain

We were in Fairfield (Sydney), which is densely populated by Arabs. An unforecasted storm hit us. The harinama party had to make a decision to continue or cancel.

Given that it was a long way from home, we decided to continue, and we moved through the streets under roof footpaths.

Looking at the dancing and singing in the rain, all the Arabs were coming out of the shops, elated to watch and hear the harinama.

I started placing Arabic books into their hands. Almost all of the books were accepted, including the Arabic Gita, and in a couple of hours, we  distributed forty Arabic books.

Sorry, but no pictures were taken, owing to rain.

Please try Arabic books along with harinama drums. They love it, and it really works. If you have an Arabic caption lanyard for them to see, it’s a winner, too.

Your servant,
Radhika Prasad Dasa

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