Asking for a Donation
Vaisesika Prabhu wrote:
"When I ask for a donation for a book, I often say, 'Sir, we won't sell these books because they are too valuable –they are spiritual books — so we just take a donation. Give the most you can.'"
In my opinion, this is a wonderful way to ask for a donation. It displays all good qualities of a Vaisnava.
expert (i.e. in selling the book and getting the most generous donation possible), respectful (i.e. addressing the person as "Sir") truthful (i.e. telling how valuable the books are, and directly asking the man to donate) merciful (i.e. making it so attractive for the person to take the book) gentle (i.e. not pushy or demanding) humble (i.e. in the mood of Srila Bhaktivoda Thakura's song, "with a meek heart set out to propagate by humble entreaty the sacred order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu") friendly (i.e. introducing the gentleman to the Supreme Friend, Sri Krishna) poetic (i.e. what is the price for eternity, knowledge and bliss?) not quarrelsome (i.e. how could anyone become angry with such a presentation?)
Thanks for sharing that with us.
Your Servant,
Danavir Goswami