Not Meeting by Coincidence

Not Meeting by Coincidence

Something pretty cool happened in Dunedin, New Zealand, at the end of the marathon. I met a girl (unfortunately I can't remember her name), and the first thing she asked was, "Is this about yoga and meditation?" "Yes." "My gosh, I think I met your friend. I met a monk in Nelson, and then I travelled down and met the SAME monk in Timaru! He remembered me. He even remembered my name, and he was telling me...

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HG Radheshyam Prabhu the Book Marathon topper

HG Radheshyam Prabhu the Book Marathon topper

We are very happy to inform you that this year HG Radheshyam Prabhu, the temple president of ISKCON Pune, stood 1st Rank in the world in the distribution of full sets of Srimad Bhagavatam and Chaitanya Charitamrita. He distributed 150 full sets in cities like Pune, Hyderabad, Secunderabad and Adilabad. He also visited the homes of most devotees and personally installed the Srimad Bhagavatam sets there. Also, by his inspiration ISKCON...

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Ibadan Sankirtan Party Becomes West Africa Book Distribution Marathon Champion

Ibadan Sankirtan Party Becomes West Africa Book Distribution Marathon Champion

Members of the Ibadan Harinam Sankirtan Group The Nagara Sankirtana party of Ibadan, Nigeria became West Africa’s book distribution marathon champion for 2016. The sankirtan party led by Yadhunath Das has distributed 901 books in December. The Nagara Sankirtan project started off in 2015 with the purpose of reviving the Harinama Sankirtana spirit initially in West Africa, by providing special support and care for book...

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Srila Prabhupada’s books in Arabic

Srila Prabhupada’s books in Arabic

Srila Prabhupada’s books in Arabic. Shastrakrit Das: Was showing the Gita to Shannon from El Salvador and this Muslim girl Noor was more attracted to the books, she even bought one for her grandma in...

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A Hare Krishna beggar meets a lady rich in heart

A Hare Krishna beggar meets a lady rich in heart

As I was standing at a gate in someones yard, calling out for someone to come, a young man came and said, “You Hare Krishnas, always begging. You're young. Why not get a job rather than beg?” While he was saying this, I felt overwhelmed with joy and was smiling. Then I responded that what he said was the best thing anyone has called me, and that is why I am here: because I am striving to be a servant of the Supreme...

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