In life or Death, Take Shelter

In life or Death, Take Shelter

After leaving the hospital a few weeks ago, my firm determination was to never return. It was by far, one of the most painful experiences of my life. Yet today I did. This time, to the ICU, the Intensive Care Unit, a place I cringed to think about. So many people on life support, young and old, just barely holding on. The daughter of a devotee from Pune passed away at a young age in the California Medical Center Hospital here in San...

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88 years old – and fired up for book distribution

88 years old – and fired up for book distribution

In Italy there is a devotee, Yudisthira Prabhu, who is 88 years old and a disciple of Madhu Sevita Prabhu. He managed the Govinda Restaurant and preaching center in Milan for 25 years, but he recently retired from management. He's a strong, enthusiastic preacher, so he decided to continue serving Krsna by distributing Srila Prabhupada's books. And he is turning in some good scores. He may well be the oldest book distributor in...

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Blissful Arabic Book Distribution in the Subways of New York City!

Blissful Arabic Book Distribution in the Subways of New York City!

Blissful Arabic book distribution in the subways of New York City! From the tourist streets of London, to the beaches and universities of California, to the subways of NYC — more specifically, throughout the USA, Canada, UK, eight countries in Europe, Australia, and even in India — book distributors worldwide are relishing the truly unique nectar of Arabic book distribution. They are directly tasting the very special mercy...

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Books Make Bhaktas

Books Make Bhaktas

Most devotees in our Society come to Kṛṣṇa consciousness because of receiving a book. As I travel around the world, I inevitably ask devotees I meet how they came to Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Ninety-five percent of the time it’s because they received a book. More often than not it was the Bhagavad-gītā that convinced them. This is one of the reasons I mainly distribute Bhagavad-gītās—it’s what makes devotees. It’s also what brought me onto...

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The Magic Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu

The Magic Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu

I was distributing books in devotional cloth during the recent Ratha Yatra in Auckland, NZ. This ecstatic festival was held as part of ISKCON's 50th anniversary celebration. As the procession moved along Queen Street, the busiest central shopping street in Auckland, I stopped Peter. Tall, young and confident, Peter studies English and history in Sydney and was visiting Auckland for the weekend. I introduced myself as a monk and...

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